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Install SickGear [90] Torrent Clients

SickGear edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

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Setting up a torrent client to interact with SickGear

An Issue

The following issues are addressed by this solution...

  • As your completed download folder fills up with different types of stuff, a default SickGear set up will scan the folder every x minutes for stuff to process. After a while, you will see in the logs that the most work being done by SickGear is scanning the same files over and over deciding which to process. This places stress on your hardware and also degrades the smooth running of SickGear
  • A torrent client moving files from a temp to a completed folder can suffer from a race condition with OSes that fail to lock the file during the copy. With no way to determine a file copy is in progress, SickGear will simply try to move relevant files, this will result in errors

Use the following simple steps for optimum performance...

Legacy Autotools method (modern method below)...

Windows and/or Linux Torrent client integration


Achieve optimum performance when processing completed files

How it works

SickGear has a script file in its autoProcessTV folder for use in torrent clients...

A torrent client uses the script to copy completed downloads to an isolated location. The seeding location is no longer scanned over and over. Instead, SickGear will 'Move' processed content from isolation to the final show location. This greatly improves overall performance

  • for Windows, autoProcessTV/onTxComplete.bat
  • for Linux, autoProcessTV/
    (Thanks to tadejp for his groundwork porting the Windows script to Linux)
    (Thanks to keithzg for his compatibility improvements for Dash under Ubuntu)

Tested Windows clients; Deluge, qBittorrent, Transmission, and uTorrent
Tested Linux clients; rTorrent, and Transmission
To the wise, this can be used on clients that are not listed above e.g. ruTorrent. The rtorrent text config file will need to be edited. I hear Linux folk don't need guides, but a guide would still be great. -> Guide completed by a power user.

To set up SickGear (Part 1 of 2)

a) Set /config/media-process -> Post-Processing -> "Completed TV downloads" .. to match param1

b) Set /config/media-process -> Post-Processing -> "Process episode method" .. to 'Move'

c) Enable /config/media-process -> Post-Processing -> "Scan and post process"

d) Enable /config/media-process -> Post-Processing -> "Postpone post processing"

e) Set /config/search -> Torrent Results -> "Set torrent label/category"

  • If using "Black hole" method or if there is no label field, then you can use client auto labeller or set a torrent completed save path that ends with param2. For Transmission.. see note(2) in the script

Common info for all clients (Part 2 of 2: Before setting up the client)

The script is controlled using up to 4 input parameters...

param1 = Isolation path where to copy completed downloads for SickGear to process.
This path should be created on first run, if not, create it yourself.
This value must ..

  1. be different to the path where the client saves completed downloads
  2. be configured in SickGear, see step (a) above

param2 = This filter value is compared with either a client set label, or the tail of the path where the client downloaded seeding file is located. Matching downloads are copied into isolation.

param3 = Client set downloaded item label or category (e.g. %L)

param4 = Client set downloaded item content path (e.g. %F or %D\%F etc)

Token values for param3 and param4 are found documented in the download client or at the client website. Other clients may be able to replace param3 and param4 to fit (see examples).

After part 1 of 2 above is complete, goto part 2 for Deluge 1.3.15 and newer desktop clients

After part 1 of 2 above is complete, goto part 2 for qBittorrent 4.1.3 and newer desktop clients

After part 1 of 2 above is complete, goto part 2 for Transmission 2.84 and newer desktop clients

After part 1 of 2 above is complete, goto part 2 for uTorrent 2.2.1 desktop clients

After part 1 of 2 above is complete, goto part 2 for rTorrent 0.9 and newer builds (tested with 0.9.8)

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