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Install SickGear [13] Solaris OpenIndiana

SickGear edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

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Solaris OpenIndiana: SickGear Install Guide

With a new Solaris OpenIndiana Hipster 2021.04 Version illumis-2ed5ea5a06 64-bit installation (Documented and tested: 2021.Oct.06) ...

The following was run under a root user account, you may use pfexec accordingly.

First, update

pkg update -v
Expand for OpenIndiana Hipster 2020.04 (tested: 2020.09.21)...

The following does not apply to Hipster 2021.04...

the Python version was too old and the following actions required...

To find a suitably available Python release...

pkg search -p python-3*

Python 3.7.7 was available to update the unusable Python 3.5.9

pkg install -v python-37

Check the install is good, e.g. Python 3.7.7

python3 -V

Make sure pip is installed...

python3 -m ensurepip
pip3 list

The above does not apply to Hipster 2021.04...

Check the install is good, Python 3.9.4 on Hipster 2021.04, at least Python 3.9.7 after update

python3 -V

To find an available git release...

pkg search -p git

Git 2.33.0 is available, install it...

pkg install -v git

Check the installation is good, e.g. git version 2.33.0

git --version

Fetch SickGear files

git clone /opt/sickgear

Install the required Python dependencies, e.g. CT3 should list

pip3 install -r /opt/sickgear/requirements.txt
pip3 list


unrar can be required to unpack during media processing, to install...

pkg install unrar

gcc is required to compile and install the post install speedups (optional)

pkg install gcc-9

Install speedups, lxml, regex, levenshtein from recommended.txt (optional)

pip3 install -r /opt/sickgear/recommended.txt

Start SickGear

python3 /opt/sickgear/

You should be able to access SickGear at hxxp://ip_of_opendiana:8081 (s/hxxp/http/)

If you navigate to the about page, you will observe that the version should be like...

BRANCH: main @ py3... COMMIT: ...

...if not, then there's something wrong with the path to the system git.

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