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FAQ nzbToMedia

SickGear edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

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Using nzbToMedia with a secure SickGear API

2023, Mar 9 - Verified successfully from the nzbToMedia master branch.

At any time after 2 March 2020, nzbToMedia could process media using SickGear API. However, after a legacy postProcess method was removed, an issue was raised where the secure API was not being used.

The function was reinstated to direct users to the following required nzbToMedia configuration...

  1. Check SG API is enabled at... config/general/Interface/Web Interface/"API enable"
  2. "Generate" a key with a name of your choice at SG->config/general/Interface/Web Interface/"API Key"
  3. Add key to the nzbToMedia file.. autoProcessMedia.cfg .. in section SickBeard, at item apikey=<generated key> ... for example, apikey=75c890f25203396734608c8b8dec042d
  4. Ensure fork = auto and not fork = sickgear in the nzbToMedia file.. autoProcessMedia.cfg .. at section SickBeard
  5. Restart SickGear to remove the red alert box

Everything else can be configured as usual from the nzbToMedia docs.

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