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Install SickGear [82] CF Solve

SickGear edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

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Setting up Flare Solverr

Date: 2 Apr 2023

Background: A system added to several websites to prevent automated brute force attacks also blocked access to legitimate use cases of automation. A situation evolved where SickGear developed access for a system that mutated to block the time and development effort invested. In July 2020, a newly deployed system blocked so aggressively that a different approach to a solution was clearly needed. At the end of 2020, the Flare Solverr project was updated with improvements from the Cloudproxy project specifically to fetch content from behind aggressive protection.

How it works: Flare Solverr uses a headless browser to fetch content from wherever asked, then deletes and frees the used browser resources.

The flow of a SickGear content request is...

	SickGear tries --->-------- if successful -------->---|---:->  SickGear  
	  to get URL                                          |      gets content
	       |                                              |
	  if blocked ----->--- no solution = no content :-|   |
	       |                                              |
	       |            if Flare Solverr is available     |
	       |----------> SickGear requests URL from it >---|

Windows x64/Linux x64:

  • Download and install latest Flare Solverr from here

Docker x64 and x86:

  • Download and install Docker Flare Solverr from here


  • To set up SickGear: Add the Flare Solverr host address at config/Search and use the test button.

That's it.

Side note: During development, it was no problem running Flare Solverr on a device independent to the one running SickGear and in different LAN segments, both shared the same outer public IPv4 address.

Tip: An observation on Windows... if a click in a console window makes a block cursor instead of the regular blinking line, a console application text output may pause. This has purpose, but an effect is that a running application may also suspend until normal text output is resumed by pressing the Escape key to return the blinking line in the active console window.

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