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Translating the NRP into other languages

brockfanning edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 1 revision

To translate the content into other languages, there are a few areas of the codebase to look at:

A) Translate the text of includes and layouts

The _translations folder contains simple translations of various phrases/words found in the HTML files in _includes and _layouts. These are straightforward and can be edited and extended using the existing syntax.

Note: Indentation and white-space is always important when using this syntax, sometimes referred to as "front matter" or "YAML".

When adding a new language, use an abbreviation that contains only lowercase letters and (optionally) dashes. For example: de for German, br for Portuguese - Brazil, fr-ca for French Canadian, etc.

B) Translate indicator and goal metadata

In the data folder, each language can have a subfolder that contains versions of the sdg_goals.csv and sdg_indicator_metadata.csv files.

C) Translate individual Markdown pages

In any folders that contain Markdown (.md) files, each language can have a subfolder that contains translated versions of those Markdown files. Here are some examples of where these subfolders might go:

  • The root folder of the repository
  • The _goals folder
  • The _indicators folder
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