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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Kitto Q&A

This page links to a growing collection of questions about Kitto. If you need an article covering a particular subject, or if you think you have something to contribute, let us know by posting in the forum.

Does Kitto work with FreePascal/Lazarus?

Currently Kitto supports only Delphi from XE3 to latest version. We have no own interest in supporting earlier versions or Delphi nor Lazarus/FPC, but contributions in this regard are welcome.

Why are my Kitto applications (even the examples) not showing any GUI when launched?

They are probably trying to run as a service, which Kitto does when started under an administrative account. In such cases, you can force them to run in GUI mode by passing -a on the command line (or in Delphi's debugger parameters).

** Kitto demos are very desktop-like. How can you make it look and feel more webby?

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