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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

How to customize view labels and icons in predefined controllers

There are several ways to customize display labels and icons when using a predefined controller such as ChangePassword or Logout.

A controller defines its default display labels and icon by defining the public methods GetDefaultDisplayLabel and GetDefaultImageName (see the unit Kitto.Ext.ChangePassword for an example). These methods, if existing, are called if no alternative options are used. You can override these by specifying the keys DisplayLabel and ImageName at the tree view node level:

Folder: User options
    Controller: ChangePassword
    ImageName: my_icon
    DisplayLabel: My text

or at the view level (that is, directly in the view definition file) if the view is persistent.

You can also override any predefined Kitto icon by placing a file with the same name in your application Resources directory.

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