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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

FOP (Formatted Object Processor) Tool controller

This is a specific DownloadFile Tool controller that builds a PDF or RTF file using the data actually visible in the Panel based controller, and send it to the client browser.


Add Kitto.Ext.FOPTools, to UseKitto.pas.

The FOP Tool uses FOP Engine provided by Apache FOP Project that must be present in a Folder of the Application Server. The Path of the FOP Engine must be configured into Config.Yaml:

FOPEnginePath: C:\FOP\FOPEngine1.1

It's mandatory to specify TransformFileName, the xsl file used for the FO transformation. The ClientFileName extension determines the type of the output: PDF or RTF.

Here's an example:

# Export a text file with fixed column length.
    DisplayLabel: Activity by FOP
      Controller: FOPTool
        ClientFileName: ActivityByFOP.pdf
        TransformFileName: %APP_PATH%ReportTemplates\ActivityReport.xsl
        RequireSelection: False
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