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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision


You can enable server side logging in Kitto, which will allow you to see trace data useful for debugging or log your own data from your server side code (such as custom controllers or rules, for example).

Logging to file

In order to enable logging to file, you write something like this in your Config.yaml:

  # 1 = Minimal, 5 = Debug.
  Level: 5
    FileName: %APP_PATH%log.txt
  # Set this to false to disable this logger without
  # deleting its configuration.
  IsEnabled: True

The code above uses the TextFile logger, which you also need to enable in your application by referencing the unit EF.Logger.TextFile (usually in your UseKitto.pas file). If you fail to include the relevant unit, your logging configuration will be ineffective.

Logging to CodeSite

If you have CodeSite (any edition), you can include EF.Logger.CodeSite and have your log strings sent to the CodeSite viewer. Multiple loggers can be active at once: just add the relevant sections under the Log node in Config.yaml. The section name for the CodeSite logger is called CodeSite and must contain at least the IsEnabled: True line.

Custom loggers

You can add your own custom loggers; just have a look at the predefined ones and use them as examples and starting points.

Basically you need to create a log endpoint. Just create a new class inherited from TEFLogEndpoint and override the DoLog method (don't forget the initialization and finalization sections in your unit, which will make your new class available to the system).

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