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Project Meeting 2024.06.27

Michelle Bina edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 6 revisions


Meeting Notes


  • Agreement Confirmation
    • Traditionally, 3 months to receive checks from agencies.
    • Please check with respective admin/finance departments. Please alert the consortium if missing any information.
  • Budget - End of Fiscal Year
    • Please submit invoices before end of fiscal year (June 30, 2024) by the end of July.
  • AMPO Conference
    • Anticipated Participants:
      • MWCOG (Mark M.)
      • RSG (Joel and David H.)
      • Jeff N.
      • Reach out to SANDAG
    • Hope for more MPOs than consultants.
    • Potential for 3 speakers in the 50-minute ActivitySim time slot.
  • Draft Task Orders
    • Joe shared last week and received feedback from RSG and WSP.
    • Phase 9b should be buttoned up within the next few days.
    • Funding the following Phase 9b aspects:
      • Estimation improvements: Usability and Performance Improvement tasks.
      • Telecommute improvements based on work by WSP for Ohio.

Technical Work

  • Jeff to update table runs soon.
  • Run Performance Results
    • CS - Jeff
      • Run: Tested SANDAG model with identical software image run using different hardware.
      • Result: Hardware is not the root of the issue.
      • Original Hypothesis: Issue with memory bandwidth.
      • New Hypothesis: Supporting a different hardware limitation, which could be the issue - On-chip memory cache. If run only with 36 processes, each thread can grasp 5-6 megabytes of memory for its calculations. Computations can compute faster with fewer threads.
  • How to process in the multi-process configuration, which agencies will inevitably run? Will not necessarily see improved performance with increased processes.
    • RSG to re-run according to Jeff’s hypothesis.
    • New columns added to Spreadsheet:
      • Numba Multi-Threading Limits
      • L3 Cache
      • L3 Cache per Numba Thread

Looking Forward

  • ActivitySim Consortium Meeting (7/2): Small Engineering Team Meeting (Tech Team focused)
  • ActivitySim Consortium Meeting (7/4): Cancelled for July 4th Holiday
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