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Josef edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 10 revisions

UI Layout of the AutomationML Editor

This topic contains the following sections:

Document windows

The first thing you notice when you start the editor is that the layout is divided into five separate areas or views. These areas reflect the content structure of an AutomationML model with the different library types.

Layout Document window layout related to the library types

AutomationML object libraries are structured hierarchically; this results in the objects being displayed in a tree view.

It is, of course, possible to change the arrangement of the views and, for example, to switch to a tabbed view and put the current view in the foreground. It is still possible to move objects from one view to the other in this view. To do this, move the selected object to the corresponding register and the view automatically changes.

TabView Focus a single library type in a tabbed layout

You can set up and save your preferred window layout and read it in again as required via the "View" menu.

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Not all contents of an AutomationML document are assigned to the hierarchical content views. Additional content can be edited by unfolding the standard left and right fold-out views.

On the left side of the main window the general document properties, named as AMLFile, the results of the Document validation and an overview of the existing InternalLinks of the document are arranged.

On the right side you can find the standard attributes of an object, named as Header, the additional Attributes and an overview about Relations with assigned objects.

The content of a fly-out always refers to the currently selected object. However, it is possible to fix the content so that it does not change automatically when another object is selected.


Fix a flyout to not change when an object is selected

The fixation can be helpful for drag and drop operations.

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Color Themes

The AutomationML editor offers some possibilities to customize the appearance of the UI elements. Since version 6.0 two additional dark-modes are available. A dark mode is a night-friendly color theme that mainly focuses on using dimed/grey colors for surface and UI elements. Darker colors reflect less light while still providing a great reading experience.


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