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LT Meeting Notes 2022‐01‐12

Johanna edited this page Jan 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

Meeting date: 2022/01/12

Zeek Leadership Team Members

(bold indicates attendance)

  • Aashish Sharma, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
  • Amber Graner, Corelight (Community Seat, non-voting)
  • Fatema Bannat Wala, ESnet
  • Johanna Amann, ICSI/Corelight/Berkeley Lab (chair, Zeek merge-master)
  • Keith Lehigh, Indiana University
  • Nick Turley, Brigham Young University
  • Robin Sommer, Corelight (Technical Lead Seat, Zeek merge-master)
  • Seth Hall, Corelight (Zeek merge-master)
  • Vern Paxson, Corelight & University of California at Berkeley (Founder Seat)


Project updates

  • We again discussed the status of the surprise legal bill we received (see the previous meeting notes for more details). There has been no change in the situation since the last meeting.

Testing subproject updates:

  • The Zeek 4.2 release candidate is being tested by the testing group. So far, it seems to be very stable. There is only a single potential issue that is being investigated – which is slow, gradual memory growth on the manager. It is still unclear if this is a bug, or if it is bounded and caused by the traffic characteristics, and not a change from 4.1.
  • Currently, the release timeline depends on this memory issue. If it turns out to be harmless (which currently seems likely) there will be a release in the next one to two weeks.

Training subgroup updates

  • The training subgroup had the first meeting of the year on January 7th. During that meeting, the group discussed the goals for this year. The group decided to mainly focus on content creation, getting the content approved through the new Zeek approved training framework and hosting regular training events.
  • Furthermore, the group also plans to have all the documentation around the Zeek approved training framework published in the next few days.

Election process change:

  • In our 2021-10-20 meeting, we discussed that we want to update the Zeek LT election process document. Specifically, we want to continue using the election process that was used for the last election in future elections.
  • As outlined in the Zeek Leadership Team Process and Description, we asked the community for feedback on this change, both on the mailing list and on Slack. We did not receive any comments during the four-week feedback period.
  • During the January 12, 2022 meeting, the LT unanimously voted to adopt the LT process and description, as outlined in the mailing list post. We will remove the sentences that refer to changing the election process for 2022 and following elections, keeping the current voting process.
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