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LT Meeting Notes 2021‐02‐10

Johanna Amann edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 3 revisions

Meeting date: 2021/02/10

Zeek Leadership Team Members

(bold indicates attendance)

  • Amber Graner, Corelight (Community Seat, non-voting)
  • Aashish Sharma, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
  • Fatema Bannat Wala, ESnet
  • Johanna Amann, ICSI/Corelight/Berkeley Lab (chair)
  • Keith Lehigh, Indiana University
  • Nick Turley, Brigham Young University
  • Robin Sommer, Corelight (Technical Lead Seat)
  • Seth Hall, Corelight
  • Vern Paxson, Corelight & University of California at Berkeley (Founder Seat)


Suite Migration:

  • is now migrated to a google workspace under our direct control. There were no major hiccups.

Discussion about goals of the current LT, for the next 2 years:

  • We should figure out a way to more formally define who is a member of the Zeek community. This is also important for the next elections in which we do want to allow the community to vote.
  • We should set up community lead sub-teams. A first example of how this can work was the documentation project, which got a lot more outside participation. To this end we could either create a clear list of requests and tasks that people can take on right away. Or we could create a list of teams that people can sign up for. First ideas for these teams are:
    • Documentation
    • Training
    • News
    • Package Management
    • Testing
  • Make the Zeek project self-sustaining / financially independent with a predictable stream of revenue. This topic requires much more discussion in the future. The first step is to figure out which entity would handle the money stream for the project.

Zeek Week:

  • We will start the submission process around March.
  • Everything currently is on track for this.

Zeek Approved Training Program:

  • The Zeek project currently does not have Zeek project approved training.
  • For this topic we have a bunch of questions to answer. These include:
    • What does approved training mean?
    • Does it have to be on core Zeek?
    • Does this mean that there can be no product pitch in the training?
    • Who do we reach out to for this?
    • What will we approve?
    • Do we require the training to be free?
    • Or do we have a cap on cost?
    • We will form a separate subcommittee about this (Nick, Aashish, Robin).

Mission, Vision, and Values discussion:

  • The LT shortly discussed creating a subcommittee that creates a draft of a mission, vision and values document. The discussion was cut short due to meeting time constraints and will be continued in the future.
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