Real-time deep learning framework for Slow oscillation (SO) detection.
Goal: We want to build a system that detects different states of a SO in a real-time scenario. This might be interesting for phase-dependent stimulation. Consequently, the network works on a windowed approach.
Some notes: First ideas for a network architecture might be:
- 2s (at Fs=500) input --> this will cover more than 1 full SO
- Heavy downsampling and convolution as a first layer: Kernel 5 samples, stride 5 samples -> this downsamples the data to 200 features. Lets try maybe 16 filters
- Maybe multihead or single head attention layer after the CNN part
- 1 or 2 LSTM layers with few hidden units. Goal is to keep inference time low
- FC output with 3 classes: up-to-downstate, down-to-up state, and no event (0,1,2)
- for loss, use cross entropy
Notes on labeling the data:
- where should we define the up-to-down states? trough to zero? For now, zero makes sense
Notes on data preprocessing:
- lets use a heavy high cut at 0.5 Hz with order maybe 2. one pass only, not zero phase.
- Filter needs linear group delay over frequencies
- data needs to be normalized for a fixed range (e.g. -200 equals -1 and +200 mV equals +1)
Mohsen comments:
- use integral as feature to FC layer
- together with smooed derivative
- use previous(rolling) window for normalization
Notes on env: Currently has pytorch
- currently the data are in /data/online_model
- here are folders: train, val, test
- in each of these folders, there is the corresponding hdf5 dataset from one night from one participants. These are referred to as "sessions". Sessions are randomly split at one time.
build requiements.txt pipreqs /Users/timnaher/Documents/PhD/Projects/SODeep --force