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Persistent HUD

Idle edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 14 revisions

Owned Character & NPC actors can be set as persistent, the HUD isn't linked to any specific token and remains on screen at all time. A persistent actor can be automatically or manually set/unset.

When the actor is unset (automatically or manually) it will try to revert to the user's assigned actor, because of that and the Auto-Set Actor setting, you can tune the module to accommodate a behaviour of your liking.

i.e. Auto-Set Actor set to On Token Selection and not manually setting the persistent actor as a player will always show the players' assigned actor (main character) until one of the companions is selected, at that time, the companion will be set as the persistent actor until unselected.

Refer to Token HUD for the highlighted sections on the image above.


you can drop foundry items (i.e. condition, effect, equipment) on the portrait avatar to behave the same way it would on a token or actor sheet.

Portrait Customization

If you click on the HUD portrait, a menu window will open allowing you to customize the displayed image for this actor, you can change the used image and zoom/move it around to get a more satisfying result to show.


this is a global change for the actor, all users who have access to it (owners) will share the same customization.


Enabled πŸ‘€ βœ…

Enables this HUD element on your client.

Auto-Set Actor πŸ‘€ (Disabled)

Whenever no persistent actor has been set, the currently selected token actor or the current combatant actor will automatically be set as persistent.

Keep Last Persistent πŸ‘€ βœ…

When using Auto-Set Actor, should the last valid actor be kept as persistent instead of being unset.


It will still revert to your assigned actor if you have one and On Token Selection is chosen.

Font Size πŸ‘€ (14)

The HUD element dynamically scales with the font size.


The module was designed to use a font size of 14.

Disable Flash πŸ‘€

Disables the portrait flash effect when selecting a token linked to the currently set persistent actor.

Close Sidebar on Send-to-Chat πŸ‘€ (Disabled)

Should the sidebar be closed when sending an item to chat.

Close Sidebar on Spell Cast πŸ‘€ (Disabled)

Should the sidebar be closed when casting a spell.

Close Sidebar on Skill Roll πŸ‘€ (Disabled)

Should the sidebar be closed when rolling a skill.

Alliance Button πŸ‘€

Show the alliance/disposition button on the HUD.

Hold Shift for Effects πŸ‘€ βœ…

Requires holding the shift key to interact with effect icons.


Set Persistent Actor πŸ‘€

Set the selected token's actor as persistent.