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Combat Tracker

Idle edited this page Nov 5, 2024 · 7 revisions

The combat tracker will automatically show up in the bottom right corner of the screen whenever an encounter is active. And be removed when no active encounter exist. You can find all the options available in the regular tracker with the addition of the health/stamina. The GM can drag & drop a combatant to change its position in the initiative.

You can collapse the tracker by clicking on the square icon. In that state, the tracker will be 2 rows high showing the current combatant and the one to come

When holding the Toggle Combat Tracker keybind (Ctrl by default), the tracker will display alternative options comprised mostly of those found in the context menu of the regular combat tracker. Clicking on a combatant image/name while holding the keybind will also directly set the combat turn to that combatant without having to cycle through all the combatants in between.

Mousing over the combat budget icon will give a complete summary of the budget/threat/award for the encounter.


You can [Right Click] on the big initiative die to open the variants window and select which statistic to use when rolling.

Delay Turn

The GM can click on the initiative die icon of a combatant to intitiate a delay, clicking again on the hourglass icon will change the initiative of the combatant to be right after the current one.


Only When Started 🌎

The tracker will only show up for players if the combat has actually started (on top of needing a combatant participating).

Enabled πŸ‘€ βœ…

Enables this HUD element on your client.

Font Size πŸ‘€ (14)

The HUD element dynamically scales with the font size.


The module was designed to use a font size of 14.

Texture Scaling πŸ‘€ βœ…

Invert scales the combatant's image based on the token texture scaling. This will allow popout token images to go out of bounds.


Toggle Combat Tracker πŸ‘€ (Ctrl)

Toggle the combat tracker menu to show additional options.