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Idle edited this page Dec 10, 2024 · 10 revisions


ko-fi or Stripe directly

This module adds a suit of HUD elements for the Pathfinder 2e system on foundry VTT.


Health Status Entries 🌎

Comma separated strings representing the different divisions of a creature's health state from worst to best. Leave empty to disable. The first and last entries are used respectively for 0% and 100% while the other entries in between represent a section of the health.

The health status will also be colorized depending on the current percentage, it is independent from the status entries themselves in that it is directly based on the current/max ratio and not on which entry is currently selected.


Stamina max/current is added to the health max/current to calculate the health status while temporary HP aren't used at all.

Default: Dead, At Death's Door, Not Feeling Good, Seen Better Days, Barely Hurt, Perfectly Fine

Party Alliance as Observed 🌎

Consider actors in the Party alliance to be observed by players for the sake of extending the tooltip or showing health details in the combat tracker.


Not to be confused with the Party actor.

Use Modifiers πŸ‘€

Display modifiers instead of the difficulty value in the different HUD elements.

Show Highest Speed πŸ‘€

If no speed was manually selected, the highest one will always be shown by default even if the land speed isn't 0.


You can access the modules' API directly through the global context game.hud.

You will find all the HUD instances and the home made actions such as rollRecallKnowledge and useResolve.