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WP1.2 Coordination Meeting September 09, 2020

Javier edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Meeting Report WP1.2 ‘Modelica library for MPC’


Subject: WP1.2

Date: 09-09-2020

Location: Skype for Business

Minutes taken by: Lieve Helsen (KU Leuven)



3.1. Approval/Modification Agenda

Approved, main agenda point is the organization of the break-out sessions for the October meeting

3.2. Discussion on Break-out sessions (October 13-14)

Items listed before:

a. BOPTEST: benchmarking and reporting

i. Presentation of results of first tests

ii. Spreadsheet for internal reporting of BOPTEST test cases

iii. Public reporting (limited information, end-user agreement)

b. MPC competition: how to set up?

c. Workshop introducing BOP-TEST at BS2021 (September 2021), as a follow-up of paper at BS2019 in Rome, incl. inspiration towards use cases such as: training building operators, assist teaching ...

d. Dealing with uncertainties: forecast of weather (WG), loads, occupants

e. Generating weather data for training grey/black box models

f. Data-driven approaches – opportunities for MPC?

Link to access the spreadsheet with the planned schedule for the break-out sessions

3.3. Status & further discussion where needed

a. Emulators:

4 models selected to start MPC testing

i. BESTEST Air (LBNL/KU Leuven):

READY! (Dave)

ii. BESTEST Hydronic (KU Leuven /LBNL):

READY! (Filip & Javier)

iii. 8-Zone Residential Hydronic (Engie/SDU):

In pull request, received feedback and pocessed issues, if no further issues then ready to be merged (Javier).

iv. Multi-Zone Office Hybrid Simple (KU Leuven/Engie):

Simulation with JModelica does not run (action Iago/Javier). Have a look at the solvers used. It is available in a branch Javier, so other can have a look into that.

Further progress has been made in other models too!

v. BESTEST Hydronic with modulating HP (KU Leuven):

bulk is ready, can be merged on the short term (Javier/Filip).

vi. Single-Zone Commercial Building (SDU/LBNL):

Tao is processing the feedback from Dave. Dave found some issues with unit tests (FMU does not simulate for full year, however it runs in Dymola), checking model formulation.

vii. Multi-Zone Air-Based Prototype Complex (PNNL/KU Leuven):

Sen sent a new version to Iago. Iago has reviewed and organizes a meeting with PNNL to accelerate the review process.

viii. Flexible Research Platform - 10 sones office with VAV system (ORNL/SDU):

Yeonjin finalized preliminary building models and starts now comparison with measured data to calibrate some parameters. Ready for review by end of 2020 (Konstantin).

Emulators need to be put on BOPTEST repository in the directory testcases.

Emulators overview:

b. KPIs - scenarios

Choice between TMYx (1946-2018) and TMY3 (1973-2005) weather files. The main difference between them is the time period they cover. TMYx is preferred (longer period, more recent data, more locations). Others are XMY (Extreme MY), AMY (Actual MY). is a good central hub for downloading these data.


i. Generation of new weather files based on historical data:

To be used for grey and black box model identification (training data that differ from test data) (Dave). Option being considered: TMYx and TMY3 where one is used for training and the other for testing. It seems they are being updated yearly.

d. MPC Library (IbpsaMpc):

i. Unit testing framework (Dave):

No update.

3.4. Initiatives joint papers

a. Dave thinks about a journal paper on BOPTEST.

3.5. Miscellaneous

a. a. Next meeting: Postponed on-line Montreal meeting on October 13-14 (All).

i. Agenda.

ii. Registration (by October 5).

iii. Overview WP2.2 in plenary session (Lieve).

b. Contribution IBPSA Project 1 Annual Report (Lieve).

c. September 21: Planning Breakout sessions for next IBPSA Project 1 on-line meeting for WP Leaders (Lieve).

d. Meetings in November – December – January – February – March , Lieve sends doodle.

e. Aritz stops his PhD and leaves Tekniker. Laura will follow up. Thanks Aritz for all contributions!

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