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Guillaume W. Bres edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 1 revision

RINEXCLI for TEQC-like operations

This part of the wiki will guide those who wish to transition away from the unsupported and closed source teqc tool by UNAVCO towards the newer and more powerful open source rinex-cli.

Although a 1-1 replacement is not in scope, this guide should help you replace your existing scripts and take advantage of a lot of new functionalities.

RINEXCLI and TEQC similarities

Both applications share several similarities.

Like teqc, rinex-cli accepts the description of a complete RINEX context which is the typical requirement to position solving. See our loading interface tutorial to understand how to load your data and what the tool expects.

rinex-cli has a QC mode. Amongst all its opmodes, that one is the only one where we aim towards 1-1 replacement. Refer to the file quality check dedicated part of these tutorials.

rinex-cli shares a few flags with teqc:

  • -G to drop GPS vehicles easily
  • -J to drop QZSS vehicles
  • -E to drop Galileo vehicles
  • -R to drop Glonass vehicles
  • -C to drop BDS vehicles
  • -S to drop any SBAS vehicles

So called "time binning" operations is possible in rinex-cli and is presented in the time binning part of this wiki.

A file merging operation was specifically developed to replace the teqc operation, refer to its dedicated page.

A file splitting operation (mirror operation to merging) was also developed and is documented right here.

RINEXCLI and TEQC differences

rinex-cli will most likely never be able to accept proprietary formats like teqc does.

The +flag syntax is not compatible with rinex-cli, in our application you either have

  • a complete flag in the --flag form
  • a shortened flag in the -f form that replaces a longer --flag

The QC report is not text based but HTML based in our case. This allows nicer rendition (look & feel) and also makes it easy to share and browse.

Our QC report does not directly give you the PVT solutions.
In case you're running QC on a navigation compatible context, in teqc you would get one line in your report that looks like this:

|position - header| x meters

which basically is the average error between all resolved PVT solutions and the Apriori position.

In our QC, we don't mention position solving. You can summarize our QC as the ultimate (text based) context verifier prior positioning.

If you're interested in position solving, you need to enable this opmode specifically and refer to the position solving tutorials.
teqc most likely embeds a basic SPP position solver and the way it reports it is very basic.
RINEXCLI positioning opmode is more advanced than that:

  • it implements a complete position solver which supports SPP without compromise and other strategies
  • it will exhibit every single resolved PVT solution
  • presents the solutions in different forms

In rinex-cli we allow two configuration files

  • --qc-cfg to control what the QC will report
  • --cfg to control the position solver.

Both are JSON description, not text based.

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