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Guillaume W. Bres edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 8 revisions

Preprocessing toolkit

A preprocessing interface was developed and is summoned with -P.

-P is a true filter designer, in the sense that this single argument, allows designing complex operations. You can stack as many operations as you want, they will be implemented in according to the declaration order.

Taking advantage of the preprocessor becomes very important to make the most of the following analysis. For example, record decimation or time reframing is how you can focus on a specific time frame to analyze. Applying an elevation mask is one of the typical operations we use to focus on quality data, for example in PPP.

The syntax of the preprocessor was designed somewhat follow gLab.


  • Any amount of -P operations is permitted
  • Faulty description only results in a warning trace, it will not cause the analysis to cancel
  • By default operations apply to the whole context
  • You can focus operations on a specific file formats by using a prefix. The typical example is obs: to specify this operation should only apply to GNSS observations.

In most operations, the preprocessor supports one of the following operands. When the operand is omitted, the equality operand (=) is implied.

  • Lower Than (<)
  • Lower Than or Equals (<=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Greater Than or Equals (>=)
  • Equals (=)
  • Ineq (!=)

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Proceed to some of our examples where we try to depict all functionalities:

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