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Rinexcli Output

Guillaume W. Bres edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 1 revision

RINEXCLI Output Products

Output products (to be generated in the Workspace) depend on the operation we're performing.

Currently, File identification (-i) is the only opmode that does not generate a product: its only output is text in the terminal.

Output products are named after the Primary Station (aka data provider) defined in your context.
The primary station is either:

  • the name of the station or file stem of the single file you have loaded
  • the name of the station of the Observation Data included in the pool
  • the name of the station of the Navigation Data included in the pool, in case no Observation data was provided

Default products

In its default mode, RINEXCLI will analyze the provided context.
The more data you add to your context, the more analysis to be performed.
Some analysis can only be performed if such data is included in the pool.

Positioning products (-p)

When positioning is activated, RINEXCLI generates PVT solutions for each Epoch where the operation is feasible.
The PVT solutions are presented in different forms

  • A CSV file will always be generated with one line per PVT solution (pvt-solutions.csv)
  • PVT solutions visualization will always be generated (pvt.html)
  • PVT solutions can be wrapped as GPX tracks if --gpx is active
  • PVT solutions can be wrapped as KML tracks if --kml is active

Quality Check products (--qc)

When QC mode is activated, we generate a Quality Check report in the form of an HTML webpage.
It is generated as $WORKSPACE/report.html.

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