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gwbres edited this page Mar 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

File Operations

RINEX supports several operations that aim at generating new files, which we group in the File Operation (fops) category.

The following only applies to such operations.

File generation & naming conventions

This toolbox is designed to be as flexible as possible, especially when it comes to loading input data.
As previously stated, we accept files that do not follow standard naming conventions.

Working with files that do not follow naming conventions will reduce the capability to generate a file that does follow naming conventions, if you target Modern (lenghty) filenames. Note that if you target Old (shortened) filenames, this tool has the ability to auto generate a filename that does follow naming conventions.

File production environment

Each File Operation shares identical command line arguments that will let you define or redefine the production context or environment.
For example, with -a we can define the production Agency.

To understand the possible customizations in detail, you should use the Help menu (-h) of any file operation.

Toolbox behavior

It is important to understand how the toolbox behaves to generate the files the way you want it

Output filename

If no environment customization are passed, the tool preserves the input filename(s).
This has two consequences:

  • when working with files that do not follow naming conventions, your output products will remain in such state
  • when working with files that follow naming conventions, we preserve that

If you first injected files that did not follow naming conventions, and what to use this toolbox to generate files that do, you can either

  • Define the whole production context manually, using at least one of the customization arguments, like -a.
  • Force standard names to be generated with --standard,--std.
    Note that generating a V3+ filename from an original context that did not follow naming conventions is not 100% feasible.

V2 formats versus V3 formats

Old RINEX files used shortened filenames which contains less context description.
When working with this toolbox, you can ask to generate such format specifically with --short,-s.
Otherwise, this tool prefers Modern (V3+) lengthy format, that contain more information like the File #ID in a batch serie.

File serie

Files that are grouped in a Batch (file serie), therefore following naming conventions, are kept as is according to previous point.
File Operations that generate a file serie, like Time binning will describe a Batch correctly if you either injected a file that follows standard naming conventions itself, or asked for --standards convention specifically.


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