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Development Windows setup

LinuxJohannes edited this page Jan 25, 2014 · 1 revision

This is a work in progress. If you see anything wrong or have extra info, please fix or add it.

This page describes the procedures for setting up a Windows machine to compile TauLabs firmware and GCS software. This setup is based on the OpenPilot Windows setup.

Download Required Programs

Git -

Python 2.7.3 -

Qt 4.8.1 -

Qt Creator -

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors 4.7+ -

MinGW - (packaged with QtSDK)

DD -


Install Required Programs

The following has been validated as providing a working build environment on Windows Server 2008 R2 when using the default paths that the installers provide.

  1. Install msysgit. You will use this to clone the TauLabs repository to your machine. It also provides a bash shell.
  2. Install Python 2.7.3. Python is used when building firmware.
  3. Install the ARM Toolchain. The ARM cross compiler used to build firmware.
  4. Install Qt SDK. Qt provides much of the GUI framework behind GCS. If you install the SDK then some MinGW tools are provided.
  5. Copy DD.EXE from your DD-xxx.ZIP to your git bin folder ("c:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\dd.exe")
  6. Install JDK if you want to compile AndroidGCS

Setup to build

Clone the repository to your computer.

After downloading the code from the repo you need to copy a few files from the code into Git’s install directory.

<top>\make\winx86\bin\* (all files)  to  C:\Program Files\Git\bin
<top>\make\winx86\cmd\* (all files)  to  C:\Program Files\Git\cmd

Edit the copied file C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\sh.cmd to ensure the paths to the installed tools are correct. (e.g. )

To enter the build environment, launch cmd.exe and type"sh" (without quotes) into command prompt.

Misc Notes

  • make sure the TauLabs repo doesn't reside in a deep path, the ARM tool chain appears to have a problem with long path names... C:\TauLabs works
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