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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 31, 2024. It is now read-only.

Releases: leebenson/reactql


21 May 13:52
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Re-adds .nvmrc (v12.2.0)


13 May 07:54
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  • Bumps Node to v12.2

  • Fixes Dockerfile

  • Replaces MobX with MobX React Lite - compatible with hooks!

  • Replaces ts-loader with Babel 7 Typescript preset

  • Refactors tsconfig.json and imports to use module interop (e.g. no more import * as...)

  • Removes src/data folder; routes are now defined directly in components, and store data is added via MobX in React hooks

  • Adds NPM packages:
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.4.4"
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.4.4"
    "@babel/preset-react": "^7.0.0"
    "@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.3.3"
    "mobx-react-lite": "^1.3.2"

  • Bumps NPM packages:
    "mobx": "^5.9.4"


11 May 16:53
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  • removes @types/ora


11 May 16:45
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  • Fixes Netlify building


11 May 07:24
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  • Fixes SIGTERM and other signals being interpreted as a failure
  • Bumps NPM packages:

@emotion/styled ^10.0.10 → ^10.0.11
dotenv ^7.0.0 → ^8.0.0
graphql ^14.2.1 → ^14.3.0
react-apollo ^2.5.4 → ^2.5.5
react-helmet ^5.2.0 → ^5.2.1
react-hot-loader ^4.8.3 → ^4.8.4
@babel/core ^7.4.3 → ^7.4.4
@graphql-codegen/cli ^1.0.6 → ^1.1.3
@graphql-codegen/fragment-matcher ^1.0.6 → ^1.1.3
@graphql-codegen/typescript ^1.0.6 → ^1.1.3
@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations ^1.0.6 → ^1.1.3
@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo ^1.0.6 → ^1.1.3
@types/lodash ^4.14.123 → ^4.14.126
@types/node ^11.13.0 → ^12.0.0
@types/prop-types ^15.7.0 → ^15.7.1
@types/react ^16.8.12 → ^16.8.17
@types/react-dom ^16.8.3 → ^16.8.4
@types/react-router-dom ^4.3.1 → ^4.3.3
@types/webpack ^4.4.27 → ^4.4.31
husky ^1.3.1 → ^2.2.0
koa-webpack ^5.2.2 → ^5.2.3
less-loader ^4.1.0 → ^5.0.0
lint-staged ^8.1.5 → ^8.1.6
mini-css-extract-plugin ^0.5.0 → ^0.6.0
node-sass ^4.11.0 → ^4.12.0
prettier ^1.16.4 → ^1.17.0
source-map-support ^0.5.11 → ^0.5.12
ts-loader ^5.3.3 → ^6.0.0
ts-node ^8.0.3 → ^8.1.0
tslint ^5.15.0 → ^5.16.0
typescript ^3.4.2 → ^3.4.5
webpack ^4.29.6 → ^4.31.0


06 Apr 12:51
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  • bumps to Typescript 3.4.2
  • fixes Typescript build errors in external packages
  • fixes compiler warnings
  • fixes createBrowserHistory import
  • adds @types/ws
  • adds @types/graphql
  • adds bufferutil
  • bumps react-apollo -> 2.5.4
  • bumps react-hot-loader -> 4.8.3
  • adds utf-8-validate
  • adds explicit incremental: true TS config option


05 Apr 06:09
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  • bumps to GraphQL Code Generator v1
  • adds GraphQL named fragment support
  • removes webpack-node-externals, in favour of building a single server.js bundle
  • updates README for GraphQL Code Generator v1
  • bumps NPM packages:
    @emotion/core ^10.0.7 → ^10.0.10
    @emotion/styled ^10.0.7 → ^10.0.10
    apollo-cache-inmemory ^1.4.3 → ^1.5.1
    apollo-client ^2.4.13 → ^2.5.1
    apollo-link ^1.2.8 → ^1.2.11
    apollo-link-error ^1.1.7 → ^1.1.10
    apollo-link-http ^1.5.11 → ^1.5.14
    apollo-link-ws ^1.0.14 → ^1.0.17
    apollo-utilities ^1.1.3 → ^1.2.1
    cross-fetch ^3.0.1 → ^3.0.2
    dotenv ^6.2.0 → ^7.0.0
    emotion ^10.0.7 → ^10.0.9
    graphql ^14.1.1 → ^14.2.1
    history ^4.7.2 → ^4.9.0
    ora ^3.1.0 → ^3.4.0
    react ^16.8.2 → ^16.8.6
    react-apollo ^2.4.1 → ^2.5.3
    react-dom ^16.8.2 → ^16.8.6
    react-hot-loader ^4.7.0 → ^4.8.2
    react-router-dom ^4.3.1 → ^5.0.0
    subscriptions-transport-ws ^0.9.15 → ^0.9.16
    @babel/core ^7.3.3 → ^7.4.3
    @hot-loader/react-dom ^16.8.2 → ^16.8.6
    @types/koa-router ^7.0.39 → ^7.0.40
    @types/koa-send ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2
    @types/lodash ^4.14.121 → ^4.14.123
    @types/node ^11.9.4 → ^11.13.0
    @types/ora ^3.0.0 → ^3.2.0
    @types/prop-types ^15.5.9 → ^15.7.0
    @types/react ^16.8.3 → ^16.8.12
    @types/react-dom ^16.8.2 → ^16.8.3
    @types/source-map-support ^0.4.2 → ^0.5.0
    @types/webpack ^4.4.24 → ^4.4.27
    @types/webpack-dev-server ^3.1.2 → ^3.1.5
    babel-plugin-emotion ^10.0.7 → ^10.0.9
    css-hot-loader ^1.4.3 → ^1.4.4
    css-loader ^2.1.0 → ^2.1.1
    koa-webpack ^5.2.1 → ^5.2.2
    lint-staged ^8.1.4 → ^8.1.5
    postcss-preset-env ^6.5.0 → ^6.6.0
    resolve-url-loader ^3.0.1 → ^3.1.0
    source-map-support ^0.5.10 → ^0.5.11
    ts-node ^8.0.2 → ^8.0.3
    tslint ^5.12.1 → ^5.15.0
    typescript ^3.3.3 → ^3.4.1
    webpack ^4.29.5 → ^4.29.6


20 Feb 14:06
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  • adds Prettier
  • lints source


20 Feb 13:47
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  • adds LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY to .env, to allow saving/retrieving MobX store state to localStorage on the client
  • adds schema/schema.graphql, with sample schema for Hacker News stories
  • refactors <StateConsumer> as new withStore() HOC in @/lib/store.ts
  • refactors <HackerNews> example to use the new auto-generayed <GetHackerNewsTopStories.Component>
  • removes default exports in example components
  • fixes #150 - React-Hot-Loader 4.7
  • renames @/data/state.ts -> @/data/store.ts (now exports Store class)
  • adds autosave and new rehydrate funcs in @/lib/store.ts, for saving and retrieving MobX state to/from localStorage
  • refactors @/entry/client.tsx with new MobX store hydration/auto-save
  • refactors @/entry/server.tsx with new MobX store
  • adds auto-generated @/graphql/index.tsx with query and HOC for getting top HackerNews stories
  • removes previous @/lib/mobx.ts
  • fixes static runner; removes koa2-history-api-fallback package in favour of a local function
  • adds HOST to .env and in runner to allow binding to non-localhost
  • adds react-dom alias to Webpack common config, to use @hot-loader/react-dom
  • renames __APOLLO_STATE__ -> __APOLLO__, for Apollo GraphQL rehydration on the client
  • passes per-request store to createClient(), for use-cases where store data is needed inside GraphQL requests (JWTs, etc)


28 Jan 09:08
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  • adds exit signal 0 to SIGINT interrupts, to avoid incorrectly interpretting CTRL/CMD+C as a failure

  • adds new RUNNER variable in NPM scripts for determining which Webpack runner to load

  • refactors index.ts to use runners; implements sanity checks to ensure RUNNER is set, and an associated .ts file exists

  • adds "Static bundling for client-only SPAs" section to readme

  • adds "NPM commands" section to readme

  • updates readme to reflect new project layout and NPM command options

  • removes console log statement in the State.increment() method when using the supplied example component

  • adds devServer() function to src/runner/app.ts, for adding Koa handlers when spawning a dev server in regular or static mode

  • updates src/runner/static.ts to add a new dev option

  • fixes formatting error for scripts in src/views/static.html

  • removes BrotliCompression type definitions in favour of a require() statement, to avoid newer Typescript syntax issues

  • adds Prettier formatting to several misc. type files

  • adds history API fallback middleware to static dev server, for client-side SPA routing

  • refactors React DOM hooks to use render() when <div id="root"> is empty, for static bundling

  • adds NPM packages:
    "@types/webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.1"
    "koa2-history-api-fallback": "0.0.5"

  • bumps NPM packages:
    "@types/koa-router": "^7.0.39"
    "@types/react": "^16.7.21"
    "@types/webpack": "^4.4.24"
    "brotli-webpack-plugin": "^1.1.0"
    "ts-node": "^8.0.2"