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Releases: leebenson/reactql


28 Sep 11:12
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  • Fixes .mjs support (required by graphql-js) in the current LTS version of Node (v8.x)


23 Aug 09:41
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  • fixes an issue with an erroneous link tag to /undefined when no SASS/LESS/PostCSS imports are used


19 Aug 07:15
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  • Bumps Dockerfile to Node 10.9
  • Adds commentary to src/entry/client.tsx
  • Fixes redundant comment in src/entry/server.tsx
  • Bumps NPM packages:
    postcss-loader ^2.1.6 → ^3.0.0
    @types/prop-types ^15.5.4 → ^15.5.5
    @types/react ^16.4.7 → ^16.4.11
    @types/react-dom ^16.0.6 → ^16.0.7
    @types/react-helmet ^5.0.6 → ^5.0.7
    apollo-cache-inmemory ^1.2.6 → ^1.2.8
    apollo-client ^2.3.7 → ^2.4.0
    react-apollo ^2.1.9 → ^2.1.11
    styled-components ^3.4.0 → ^3.4.2
    @types/node ^10.5.5 → ^10.7.1
    @types/webpack ^4.4.9 → ^4.4.10
    css-hot-loader ^1.4.1 → ^1.4.2
    less ^3.8.0 → ^3.8.1
    node-sass ^4.9.2 → ^4.9.3
    source-map-support ^0.5.6 → ^0.5.8
    ts-loader ^4.4.2 → ^4.5.0
    ts-node ^7.0.0 → ^7.0.1
    webpack ^4.16.4 → ^4.16.5


03 Aug 13:24
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  • Bumps to Typescript 3.0
  • Adds local Typescript version to VSCode config
  • Updates README with build mode instructions, and fixes some info
  • Removes deprecated no-unused-variable setting from TSLint


03 Aug 12:46
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Per #10 (comment):

Alright guys, a long time coming, but I released 3.0.0 today.

After much back and forth on the approach, I decided to stick to the original ethos, which is offering ReactQL purely as a universal, front-end starter kit rather than a 'framework' with a bunch of abstractions vs. making direct changes to the code. I didn't/don't want to hide any details of what the kit is doing behind a NPM module, or make a distinction between ReactQL and userland code.

Instead, you can just clone the repo, and start coding.

The GraphQL server functionality has been ripped out. That's really easy to add back in if you need it, but I'd generally recommend the server being separate anyway. When you're connecting to databases, third-party APIs, it's easy to bloat the front-end with a bunch of stuff that's really the domain of a separate server, so I've kept this kit lean and focused on one goal: Rendering GraphQL in React.

I've also updated the stack to the latest on offer: React 16.4, Apollo 2.0, Webpack 4. Styled Components has been added, with an included helper lib that makes theming really easy. SASS/LESS/external .css imports are still supported - you can now use both.

The build process has undergone a major overhaul with Webpack 4. Gone are the overly entwined Webpack config files. Now, the server entry point returns React middleware, and it's from that point that the resulting server.js file is built. That allows the Koa web server to be spawned in Javascript and just add the Webpack built file as middleware, dramatically cutting down on what needs to be built on the server.

It also made it much simpler to add hot-code reloading to Koa, so now we have full SSR in both development and production! What's more, the server fully restarts on all code changes, so you get both browser patching and immediate SSR updates on refresh. Both dev and production spawn on port 3000 now, too, making it trivial to switch between environments via the command line and not have to remember a bunch of ports.

I've performed a long-awaited transition to Typescript. The whole kit is written in Typescript now. I realise there are users who might Flow, or even just vanilla JS. That's fine, but I had to make a choice, and Typescript has - for me, at least - provided the best developer experience of any, especially when paired with Visual Studio Code. I feel it offers the more comprehensive typing whilst also (for the most part) being helpful enough to pick up goofs, without getting in the way.

If you'd prefer vanilla JS, you should just be able to import .js files (instead of .ts(x)) and it should just work. I haven't tested this comprehensively though, so YMMV. File an issue if you find anything that's not quite right.

Finally, in case you hadn't noticed, there's no longer a ReactQL CLI. The new home for this kit is Since we're back to the original ethos of this being a starter kit, I wanted to make it very clear that getting started literally just means cloning the repo and laying down some code. The CLI, IMO, made this feel more 'frameworky' and didn't offer any real advantage. So it's gone.

I'd welcome any feedback on the new approach, and kit in general. If you spot any issues, as always, just file an issue.

The motivation for this new kit was to squarely use this as my de facto front-end in a number of client and personal projects I've been working on. Clearly, the previous version of ReactQL was showing its age (over half a year since I'd made any significant changes, which is a lifetime with this fast-moving GraphQL stack...). There were a few things I wasn't happy about, like straddling between it being a starter kit and a 'real' framework, and security issues started cropping up in old pieces of the stack.

This version has been re-written from the ground up. I hope you find it useful.


07 Jun 23:11
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2.8.0 - 2017-06-06

  • Bumps to kit v1.7.0


06 Jun 09:53
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2.7.0 - 2017-06-06

  • Bumps to kit v1.6.0


06 Jun 08:38
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2.6.3 - 2017-06-06

  • Bumps to kit v1.5.3


01 Jun 17:15
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2.6.1 - 2017-05-30

  • Bumps to kit v1.5.1


01 Jun 12:17
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2.6.0 - 2017-05-30

  • Bumps to kit v1.5.0
  • Adds --js and --ts option for specifying Javascript/Typescript version respectively (closes #41)