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Releases: leebenson/reactql


27 Jan 07:54
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  • removes Styled Components; adds Emotion CSS-in-JS
  • adds MobX
  • adds local state to src/data/state.ts
  • adds server dehydration/client hydration of MobX state
  • adds src/lib/mobx.ts, with helper functions for dehydration and feeding state context to React via <StateProvider>
  • adds <StateConsumer>, which takes a function and passes it local state; automatically re-renders React children when state is mutated
  • replaces Apollo local state counter example queries, state and mutations, and replaces with an increment() function on state
  • moves Apollo to src/lib; removes redundant src/apollo
  • removes src/queries
  • removes src/mutations
  • replaces Styled Components global with Emotion's <Global> type
  • adds new multi-build Dockerfile; bumps Node to 11.8
  • removes theming
  • adds scripts() to src/lib/stats.ts, for finding related .js files to bootstrap on initial HTML render (wip toward adding cached, per-request vendor files)
  • dumps a full stack trace to the console in the event of a server error on any route, instead of just the message, for easier debugging
  • refactors src/views/ssr.tsx component to produce a map of <script> tags instead of taking a js var
  • updates readme


20 Jan 20:29
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  • fixes dotenv issue
  • bumps NPM packages:
    apollo-cache-inmemory ^1.3.12 → ^1.4.2
    apollo-client ^2.4.8 → ^2.4.12
    apollo-utilities ^1.0.27 → ^1.1.2
    chalk ^2.4.1 → ^2.4.2
    graphql ^14.0.2 → ^14.1.1
    graphql-tag ^2.10.0 → ^2.10.1
    react-apollo ^2.3.3 → ^2.4.0
    @types/koa ^2.0.47 → ^2.0.48
    @types/koa-router ^7.0.35 → ^7.0.38
    @types/lodash ^4.14.119 → ^4.14.120
    @types/react ^16.7.18 → ^16.7.20
    @types/react-helmet ^5.0.7 → ^5.0.8
    @types/styled-components ^4.1.4 → ^4.1.6
    @types/webpack ^4.4.22 → ^4.4.23
    babel-loader ^8.0.4 → ^8.0.5
    koa-webpack ^5.1.1 → ^5.2.1
    rimraf ^2.6.2 → ^2.6.3
    source-map-support ^0.5.9 → ^0.5.10
    ts-loader ^5.3.2 → ^5.3.3
    tslint ^5.12.0 → ^5.12.1
    typescript ^3.2.2 → ^3.2.4
    webpack ^4.28.3 → ^4.29.0


29 Dec 15:31
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  • Fixes css-loader options for v2.1.0
  • Fixes TS error on createKoaHandler
  • Bumps NPM packages:
  • Removes tslint.json (in favour of Prettier)
  • Formats source files using Prettier
    cross-fetch ^2.2.2 → ^3.0.0
    @types/compression-webpack-plugin ^0.4.2 → ^2.0.0
    @types/ora ^1.3.4 → ^3.0.0
    css-loader ^1.0.0 → ^2.1.0
    file-loader ^2.0.0 → ^3.0.1
    mini-css-extract-plugin ^0.4.4 → ^0.5.0
    apollo-cache-inmemory ^1.3.5 → ^1.3.12
    apollo-client ^2.4.2 → ^2.4.8
    apollo-link ^1.2.3 → ^1.2.6
    apollo-link-error ^1.1.1 → ^1.1.5
    apollo-link-http ^1.5.5 → ^1.5.9
    apollo-link-ws ^1.0.9 → ^1.0.12
    apollo-utilities ^1.0.21 → ^1.0.27
    dotenv ^6.1.0 → ^6.2.0
    koa ^2.5.3 → ^2.6.2
    react ^16.5.2 → ^16.7.0
    react-apollo ^2.2.4 → ^2.3.3
    react-dom ^16.5.2 → ^16.7.0
    react-hot-loader ^4.3.11 → ^4.6.3
    styled-components ^4.0.2 → ^4.1.3
    @babel/core ^7.1.2 → ^7.2.2
    @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import ^7.0.0 → ^7.2.0
    @types/koa ^2.0.46 → ^2.0.47
    @types/koa-router ^7.0.32 → ^7.0.35
    @types/lodash ^4.14.117 → ^4.14.119
    @types/node ^10.12.0 → ^10.12.18
    @types/prop-types ^15.5.6 → ^15.5.8
    @types/react ^16.4.18 → ^16.7.18
    @types/react-dom ^16.0.9 → ^16.0.11
    @types/styled-components ^4.0.1 → ^4.1.4
    @types/webpack ^4.4.17 → ^4.4.22
    babel-plugin-styled-components ^1.8.0 → ^1.10.0
    css-hot-loader ^1.4.2 → ^1.4.3
    cssnano ^4.1.5 → ^4.1.8
    koa-webpack ^5.1.0 → ^5.1.1
    less ^3.8.1 → ^3.9.0
    node-sass ^4.9.4 → ^4.11.0
    ts-loader ^5.2.2 → ^5.3.2
    tslint ^5.11.0 → ^5.12.0
    typescript ^3.1.3 → ^3.2.2
    webpack ^4.21.0 → ^4.28.3


22 Oct 06:25
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  • fixes TS error


19 Oct 06:43
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  • upgrades to Styled Components v4
  • closes #127 (Add dynamic imports)
  • moves @types packages to devDependencies
  • bumps NPM packages:
    "cssnano": "^4.1.5"
    "mini-css-extract-plugin": "^0.4.4",
    "node-sass": "^4.9.4",
    "styled-components": "^4.0.2"
    "ts-loader": "^5.2.2
    "typescript": "^3.1.3",
    "webpack": "^4.21.0",


13 Oct 14:25
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  • adds URL rewriting to netlify.toml for static SPA compatibility


12 Oct 08:39
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  • Adds netlify.toml, for one-click deployment to Netlify
  • Adds .nvmrc, for specifying Node.js v10.11 for NVM
  • Adds default "ReactQL app" to static bundling title


11 Oct 22:12
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  • Adds WebSocket support to real-time subscription queries
  • Adds .env file for managing environment variables
  • Adds GRAPHQL variable to .env, to specify GraphQL server/endpoint
  • Adds WS_SUBSCRIPTIONS variable to .env, to enable/disable WebSockets
  • Adds npm run static mode, for building a client-only static bundle
  • Adds src/views/index.html template for static bundling
  • Refactors src/runner/app.ts to allow static compilation


10 Oct 11:21
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  • Bumps Dockerfile to node v10.11-alpine
  • Bumps NPM packages:
    @types/lodash ^4.14.116 → ^4.14.117
    @types/react ^16.4.14 → ^16.4.16
    @types/react-dom ^16.0.8 → ^16.0.9
    apollo-cache-inmemory ^1.2.10 → ^1.3.5
    graphql-tag ^2.9.2 → ^2.10.0
    react-apollo ^2.2.1 → ^2.2.4
    styled-components ^3.4.9 → ^3.4.10
    @babel/core ^7.1.0 → ^7.1.2
    @types/node ^10.11.2 → ^10.11.6
    @types/webpack ^4.4.13 → ^4.4.16
    babel-plugin-styled-components ^1.7.1 → ^1.8.0
    typescript ^3.1.1 → ^3.1.2


28 Sep 11:24
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  • adds @babel/core
  • bumps NPM packages:
    graphql ^0.13.2 → ^14.0.2
    babel-loader ^7.1.5 → ^8.0.4
    compression-webpack-plugin ^1.1.11 → ^2.0.0
    file-loader ^1.1.11 → ^2.0.0
    resolve-url-loader ^2.3.0 → ^3.0.0
    ts-loader ^4.5.0 → ^5.2.1
    @types/koa-router ^7.0.31 → ^7.0.32
    @types/prop-types ^15.5.5 → ^15.5.6
    @types/react ^16.4.11 → ^16.4.14
    @types/react-dom ^16.0.7 → ^16.0.8
    @types/react-router-dom ^4.3.0 → ^4.3.1
    apollo-cache-inmemory ^1.2.8 → ^1.2.10
    apollo-client ^2.4.0 → ^2.4.2
    apollo-link ^1.2.2 → ^1.2.3
    apollo-link-error ^1.1.0 → ^1.1.1
    apollo-link-http ^1.5.4 → ^1.5.5
    apollo-link-state ^0.4.1 → ^0.4.2
    koa ^2.5.2 → ^2.5.3
    lodash ^4.17.10 → ^4.17.11
    react ^16.4.2 → ^16.5.2
    react-apollo ^2.1.11 → ^2.2.1
    react-dom ^16.4.2 → ^16.5.2
    react-hot-loader ^4.3.4 → ^4.3.11
    styled-components ^3.4.2 → ^3.4.9
    @types/node ^10.7.1 → ^10.11.2
    @types/webpack ^4.4.10 → ^4.4.13
    babel-plugin-styled-components ^1.5.1 → ^1.7.1
    cssnano ^4.0.5 → ^4.1.4
    mini-css-extract-plugin ^0.4.1 → ^0.4.3
    source-map-support ^0.5.8 → ^0.5.9
    typescript ^3.0.1 → ^3.1.1
    webpack ^4.16.5 → ^4.20.2