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TPS Rewrite

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Sep 9, 2023 · 2 revisions


The current TPS subsystem is written in C++ and Perl/CGI and it is running on Apache HTTP server. To support better extensibility and integration with other subsystems, the TPS will be rewritten in Java and will run in Tomcat server.

TPS subsystem consists of 2 Apache modules:

  • Token database module (mod_tokendb): This module handles database operations. TPS has several databases (e.g. tokens, profiles, users, groups, connections).

  • TPS module (mod_tps): This module handles token processing.

Note: The token database module can be confused with the actual token database, and the TPS module can be confused with the whole TPS subsystem. To avoid confusion, we’ll refer to them as database module and processor module, respectively.

Database module


The current interface is defined as TPS operations (e.g. op=…​). In the new implementation these operations are mapped into PKI TPS REST API.


Old implementation

The module is defined in base/tps/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

LoadModule tokendb_module     [FORTITUDE_MODULE]/

<Location /tus>
    SetHandler tus

Client requests are handled by a function in base/tps/src/modjules/tokendb/mod_tokendb.cpp:

mod_tokendb_handler(request) {

    // initialization
    if (!is_tus_db_initialized())

    // get user certificate
    cert = nss_var_lookup();

    // authenticate user
    userid = tus_authenticate(...)

    // get user roles
    is_admin = tus_authorize(...)
    is_agent = tus_authorize(...)
    is_operator = tus_authorize(...)

    // get HTTP request
    uri = ...
    query = ...

    // handle TPS operation
    if (uri == NULL || query == NULL) {

    } else if (query == "op=index_operator") {

        // only operator is allowed
        if (!is_operator) return


        // return index page for operator
        buf = getData(indexOperatorTemplate,injection)

    } else if (query == "op=index_admin") {

        // only admin is allowed
        if (!is_admin) return


        // return index page for admin
        buf = getData(indexAdminTemplate, injection)


This function is hard to maintain because it handles everything (e.g. authentication, authorization, business logic, UI) in a single huge function.

New implementation

In the new implementation the services are written as separate REST resources using RESTEasy. The authentication and authorization are handled by separate and configurable modules. The interface can be used by both CLI and UI which will be written separately.

The source code are stored in base/tps-tomcat:

+ setup
+ share
  + conf                      -- configuration files
  + etc
  + lib                       -- systemd files
  + webapps                   -- web application files
+ src
  + org/dogtagpki/server/tps  -- source code

The TPSSubsystem class defines all TPS databases (e.g. TokenDatabase). All TPS databases inherit from a base Database class which stores generic records and provides basic CRUD operations. Each database will specify the actual record type stored in the database (e.g. TokenRecord). There are 2 subclasses of Database:

  • ConfigDatabase: It stores TPS configuration records in CS.cfg.

  • LDAPDatabase: It stores records in LDAP. The LDAP attribute names and object classes can be specified in the record class using annotations.

The TPSApplication class defines the REST services to access these databases (e.g. TokenService). These services translate client requests into database operations and send the result back to the client.


The current implementation provides a UI. The UI templates are located in base/tps/apache/docroot/tokendb.

The new implementation provides PKI TPS CLI and a new jQuery-based TPS UI. The CLI is located in base/java-tools/src/com/netscape/cmstools/tps. The UI is located in base/tps-tomcat/shared/webapps/tps.

Processor module


TPS client and server communicates using TPS messages. The client will open an HTTP connection to the server and use chunk encoding to send and receive the TPS messages. To maintain backward compatibility with existing clients, this encoding must be maintained.

Generally, when sending an HTTP message using chunk-encoding the content of the message will be split into chunks, then they are sent sequentially through the same connection. Each chunk will be preceeded by the chunk length in hexadecimal. The chunks and the chunk lengths are separated by CR-LF characters. Usually upon arrival the chunks will be joined back into a single HTTP message.

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<chunk length in hex>\r\n
<chunk length in hex>\r\n

For TPS, the TPS messages will be sent as individual chunks. The lengths of the chunks will be the same as the lengths of the TPS messages. Upon arrival the TPS messages will need to be kept separate so they can be processed correctly.

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<TPS message length in hex>\r\n
<TPS message>\r\n
<TPS message length in hex>\r\n
<TPS message>\r\n


Old implementation

The module is defined in base/tps/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

# Required module for command 'TPSConfigPathFile':
LoadModule tps_module         [FORTITUDE_MODULE]/

<Location /nk_service>
    SetHandler nk_service

The handler is defined in base/tps/src/modules/tps/mod_tps.cpp:

static int mod_tps_handler( request_rec *rq ) {

    // only handle requests to /nk_service
    if (strcmp(rq->handler,"nk_service") != 0) {
        return DECLINED;

    // read chunked TPS message
    session = mod_tps_create_session( rq );
    begin_op_msg = ( RA_Begin_Op_Msg * ) session->ReadMsg();

    // execute the requested operation
    if( begin_op_msg->GetOpType() == OP_ENROLL ) {
        status = m_enroll_processor.Process( session, extensions );

    } else if( begin_op_msg->GetOpType() == OP_UNBLOCK ) {
        status = m_unblock_processor.Process( session, extensions );

    } else {

The server code that reads TPS messages is currently implemented in base/tps/src/modules/tps/AP_Session.cpp:

RA_Msg *AP_Session::ReadMsg() {

    // get message length
    msg_len = GetMsgLen(m_rq);

    // get message
    len = GetMsg(m_rq, msg, msg_len);

    // process message

New implementation

The new processor will be implemented as servlets running in Tomcat. By default, Tomcat is capable to handle chunked encoding, but incoming requests are de-chunked transparently so the servlets will never see the individual chunks. All the servlets will see is a continuous stream of bytes without any delimiters between the messages. Fortunately, the message length is always encoded in the first parameter in all TPS messages, so the messages can still be parsed correctly.

s=<message length>&msg_type=<message type>&...
s=<message length>&msg_type=<message type>&...

The servlets can be written using TPSConnection and TPSMessage classes in base/common/src/com/netscape/certsrv/tps:

public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

    response.setHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");

    TPSConnection con = new TPSConnection(
            request.getInputStream(), response.getOutputStream(), true);

    TPSMessage message =;

    message = new TPSMessage();
    message.put("msg_type", 9);
    message.put("pdu_size", 12);



The current client (tpsclient) is implemented in base/tps/tools/raclient/RA_Client.cpp. This should continue to work with the new implementation.

void RA_Client::Execute() {
    while (!done) {
        rc = ReadLine (line, 1024);
        NameValueSet *params = NameValueSet::Parse (line, " ");
        op = params->GetValue ("op");
        InvokeOperation (op, params);

void RA_Client::InvokeOperation(char *op, NameValueSet * params) {
    if (strcmp (op, "help") == 0) {
        status = OpHelp(params);

    } else if (strcmp (op, "ra_format") == 0) {
	status = OpConnStart (params, OP_CLIENT_FORMAT);

    } else if (strcmp (op, "ra_reset_pin") == 0) {
	status = OpConnStart (params, OP_CLIENT_RESET_PIN);

    } else {

See Also

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