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UseCase18 Dicoumarol

Dana Klassen edited this page Apr 20, 2011 · 6 revisions

Mechanism of Vitamin K Antagonism by Dicoumarol

Example of Competitive inhibition


Dicoumarol is an anticoagulant that acts as a vitamin k antagonist. It is a derivative of coumarin and is converted to dicoumarol by several species of mold fungi.


Dicumarol inhibits vitamin K reductase, preventing the cyclic interconversion of vitamin K and 2,3 vitamin K epoxide(vitamin K12) -{Ansell 2004}-. This results in depletion of the reduced form of vitamin K (vitamin KH2). As vitamin K is a cofactor for the carboxylation of glutamate residues on the N-terminal regions of vitamin K-dependent proteins, this limits the gamma-carboxylation and subsequent activation of the vitamin K-dependent coagulant proteins -{Wallin 1986, Stenflo 1974}-. The synthesis of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X and anticoagulant proteins C and S is inhibited -{Ansell 2004}-. Depression of three of the four vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (factors II, VII, and X) results in decreased prothrombin levels and a decrease in the amount of thrombin generated and bound to fibrin. This results in the condition hypoprothrombinemia.

Knowledge base Challenges

   Expression(language requirements)

Functional (Question and Answer)

Q. “Which mechanism(s) involves dicoumoral?” A. “The mechanism of vitamin K antagonism by dicoumarol” Query: ‘mechanistic toxicology process specification’ that ‘has part’ some (process that ‘has agent’ some dicoumarol) Q. “What are the result(s) of this mechanism?” A. “hypoprothrombinemia” Query: ‘disease process’ that ‘is result of’ some ‘mechanism of vitamin k antagonism by dicoumarol’ Q. “Which coagulation factors are inhibited by this mechanism?” A. “Vitamin k-dependent coagulation factors II,VII, and X” Query:‘chemical entity’ that ‘has disposition’ some ((‘to be inhibited’) and (‘is realized in’ some (process that ‘is part of’ some ‘mechanism of vitamin k antagonism by dicoumarol’))) Q. “Which mechanism of action affects vitamin k epoxide reductase?” A. “Inhibition of vitamin k epoxide reductase by dicoumarol” Query: process that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin k epoxide reductase’

Process Model

1. Inhibition Vitamin K epoxide reductase 2. Depletion of Vitamin K 3. decreased gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins 4. Inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors and Inhibition of vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant proteins 5. Decreased prothrombin level and Decreased thrombin bound to fibrin 7. Hypoprothrombinemia ‘enzymatic conversion of vitamin K1 and 2,3 Vitamin K epoxide’ subClassOf ‘biochemical reaction’ that ‘has agent’ some ‘vitamin k epoxide reductase’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin k1’ and ‘has product’ some ‘2,3 vitamin k epoxide’ and ‘realizes’ some (‘to covalently modify’ that ‘is disposition of’ some ‘vitamin K epoxide reductase’) ‘inhibition of vitamin K epoxide reductase’ subClassOf ‘inhibition’ that ‘has agent’ some ‘dicoumarol’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K epoxide reductase’ and ‘realizes’ some (‘to be inhibited’ and (‘is disposition of’ some ‘vitamin k epoxide reductase’ and (‘in relation to’ some ‘dicoumarol’))) and ‘realizes’ some (‘to inhibit’ and (‘is disposition of’ some ‘dicoumarol’) and (‘in relation to’ some ‘vitamin k epoxide reductase’)))

and ‘results in’ some ‘inhibition enzymatic conversion of vitamin K and 2,3 Vitamin K epoxide’ ‘decreased enzymatic conversion of vitamin K and 2,3 Vitamin K epoxide’ subClassOf ‘enzymatic conversion of vitamin K and 2,3 Vitamin K epoxide” that ’results in’ some ‘depletion of Vitamin K’ ‘depletion of vitamin k’ subClassOf ” that ‘results in’ some ‘inhibition of gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins’ ‘gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins’ subClassOf ‘gamma-carboxylation’ that ‘has agent’ some ‘vitamin K dependent gamma-carboxylase’ that ‘has agent’ some ‘vitamin k’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K-dependent protein’ and ‘has product’ some ‘gamma carboxylated vitamin K-dependent protein’ ‘vitamin k-dependent protein’ subClassOf ‘protein’ that ‘has part’ some ‘vitamin k’

‘decreased gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins’ subClassOf ‘gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins’ and ‘has quality’ some (‘process rate’ that ‘is less than’ some (‘process rate’ that ‘is quality of’ some ‘gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins’)) that ‘results in’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors’ that ‘results in’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant proteins’ that ‘is part of some ’mechanism of vitamin K antagonism by Dicoumarol’ ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors’ subClassOf ‘inhibition’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor II’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor VII’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor X’ and ‘results in’ some ‘decreased prothrombin’ that ‘is part of some ’mechanism of vitamin K antagonism by Dicoumarol’ ‘vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor II’ subClassOf ‘chemical entity’ that ‘has disposition’ some ((‘to be inhibited’) and (‘is realized in’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors’)) ‘vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor VII’ subClassOf ‘chemical entity’ that ‘has disposition’ some ((‘to be inhibited’) and (‘is realized in’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors’)) ‘vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor X’ subClassOf ‘chemical entity’ that ‘has disposition’ some ((‘to be inhibited’) and (‘is realized in’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors’)) ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant proteins’ subClassOf ‘inhibition’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant protein S’ that ‘has target’ some ‘vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant protein C’ ‘decrease in prothrombin synthesis’ subClassOf ‘prothrombin synthesis’ that ‘is part of some ’mechanism of vitamin K antagonism by Dicoumarol’ that ‘results in’ some ‘hypoprothrombinemia’ ‘hypoprothrombinemia’ subClassOf ‘disease process’ that ‘is result of’ some ‘mechanism of vitamin K antagonism by Dicoumarol’ ‘decreased thrombin bound to fibrin’ subClassOf ” ‘mechanism of vitamin K antagonism by Dicoumarol’ subClassOf ‘mechanistic toxicology process specification’ that ‘has part’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K epoxide reductase’ that ‘has part’ some ‘decreased enzymatic conversion of vitamin K and 2,3 Vitamin K epoxide’ that ‘has part’ some ‘depletion of vitamin k’ that ‘has part’ some ‘decreased gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins’ that ‘has part’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors’ that ‘has part’ some ‘inhibition of vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant proteins’ that ‘has part’ some ‘decrease in prothrombin’ that ‘has result’ some hypoprothrombinemia




  1. Complicated multi step effect with multiple routes.

  2. need to find product of gamma-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent protein.

  3. there are two paths of vitamin K antagonism the inhibition of coagulation factors and the inhibition of anticoagulant proteins. The endpoint of each route needs to be found.