fix: Newsletter section behaviour #706
VTEX Sites / Integration Tests
Feb 28, 2025 in 8m 9s
Integration Tests
Integration tests Failed. Check the details bellow.
Videos of the tests that failed |
a11y.test.js |
analytics.test.js |
plp.test.js |
seo.test.js |
Test | State |
Accessibility tests checks a11y for collection page | ❌ |
Accessibility tests checks a11y for product page | ❌ |
Accessibility tests checks a11y for home page | ❌ |
view_item event add view_item event in data layer | ✔️ |
select_item event select_item has the right properties | ✔️ |
view_item_list event is sent when viewing the PLP | ❌ |
view_item_list event is sent when viewing a products shelf | ❌ |
view_item_list event is sent when viewing a product tiles | ❌ |
search event raises search | ✔️ |
view_cart event is fired when the minicart is opened (without items) | ✔️ |
view_cart event is fired when the minicart is opened (with items) | ✔️ |
Cart Sidebar toggles cart sidebar | ✔️ |
Search page Filters and Sorting options Applies filters after click | ❌ |
Search page Filters and Sorting options Sort products by price_asc | ✔️ |
Search page Filters and Sorting options Sort products by price_desc | ✔️ |
Infinite Scroll pagination Shows more products when requested | ✔️ |
Infinite Scroll pagination Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination | ❌ |
Infinite Scroll pagination Changes the page being viewed on scroll | ❌ |
Home Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Home Page Seo has structured data | ❌ |
Home Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Product Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Product Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Product Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Collection Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Collection Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Collection Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Filtered Collection Page Seo has canonical pointing to parent url | ✔️ |
Filtered Collection Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Filtered Collection Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Search Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ❌ |
Search Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
add_to_cart event when adding a product to the cart adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at product description page | ✔️ |
add_to_cart event when increasing product quantity adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at quantity increase in the minicart | ✔️ |
remove_from_cart event when removing a product from cart adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer | ✔️ |
remove_from_cart event when decreasing product quantity adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart | ✔️ |
Cart Sidebar when opening the cart sidebar should not scroll the background page | ✔️ |
On product description pages when adding a product to cart successfully adds the product | ✔️ |
On product description pages when removing a product from cart successfully removes the product | ✔️ |
Search input when search for generic term opens the search page | ✔️ |
[Fri Feb 28 19:41:37 UTC 2025] No secrets found for this repository
[STARTED] Task without title.
[SUCCESS] Task without title.
(Run Starting)
│ Cypress: 12.17.4 │
│ Browser: Electron 106 (headless) │
│ Node Version: v20.5.0 (/usr/local/bin/node) │
│ Specs: 6 found (a11y.test.js, analytics.test.js, cart.test.js, plp.test.js, search.te │
│ st.js, seo.test.js) │
│ Searched: cypress/integration/**/*.test.{js,jsx,ts,tsx} │
│ Experiments: experimentalRunAllSpecs=true │
Running: a11y.test.js (1 of 6)
Accessibility tests
3 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'aria-allowed-role' │ 'minor' │ 'Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 'region' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks' │ 7 │
3 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'aria-allowed-role' │ 'minor' │ 'Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 'region' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks' │ 7 │
1) checks a11y for collection page
3 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'aria-allowed-role' │ 'minor' │ 'Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 'region' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks' │ 4 │
3 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'aria-allowed-role' │ 'minor' │ 'Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 'region' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks' │ 4 │
2) checks a11y for product page
3 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'aria-allowed-role' │ 'minor' │ 'Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 'region' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks' │ 5 │
2 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'page-has-heading-one' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensure that the page, or at least one of its frames contains a level-one heading' │ 1 │
3) checks a11y for home page
0 passing (16s)
3 failing
1) Accessibility tests
checks a11y for collection page:
AssertionError: 3 accessibility violations were detected: expected 3 to equal 0
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/../node_modules/cypress-axe/dist/index.js:100:0)
2) Accessibility tests
checks a11y for product page:
AssertionError: 3 accessibility violations were detected: expected 3 to equal 0
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/../node_modules/cypress-axe/dist/index.js:100:0)
3) Accessibility tests
checks a11y for home page:
AssertionError: 2 accessibility violations were detected: expected 2 to equal 0
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/../node_modules/cypress-axe/dist/index.js:100:0)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome.json
│ Tests: 3 │
│ Passing: 0 │
│ Failing: 3 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 6 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 16 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: a11y.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for collection page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for collection page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for product page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for product page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for home page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for home page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 2 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/a11y.test.js.mp4
Running: analytics.test.js (2 of 6)
add_to_cart event
when adding a product to the cart
✓ adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at product description page
when increasing product quantity
✓ adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at quantity increase in the minicart
remove_from_cart event
when removing a product from cart
✓ adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer
when decreasing product quantity
✓ adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart
view_item event
✓ add view_item event in data layer
select_item event
✓ select_item has the right properties
view_item_list event
1) is sent when viewing the PLP
2) is sent when viewing a products shelf
3) is sent when viewing a product tiles
search event
✓ raises search
view_cart event
✓ is fired when the minicart is opened (without items)
✓ is fired when the minicart is opened (with items)
9 passing (39s)
3 failing
1) view_item_list event
is sent when viewing the PLP:
AssertionError: expected 5 to equal 12
+ expected - actual
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/analytics.test.js:288:52)
2) view_item_list event
is sent when viewing a products shelf:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-fs-product-shelf]:last`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/analytics.test.js:299:7)
3) view_item_list event
is sent when viewing a product tiles:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-fs-tiles]:last`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/analytics.test.js:318:7)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_001.json
│ Tests: 12 │
│ Passing: 9 │
│ Failing: 3 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 6 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 38 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: analytics.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing the PLP (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing the PLP (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a products shelf (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a products shelf (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a product tiles (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a product tiles (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 3 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/analytics.test.js.mp4
Running: cart.test.js (3 of 6)
Cart Sidebar
✓ toggles cart sidebar
when opening the cart sidebar
✓ should not scroll the background page
On product description pages
when adding a product to cart
✓ successfully adds the product
when removing a product from cart
✓ successfully removes the product
4 passing (6s)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_002.json
│ Tests: 4 │
│ Passing: 4 │
│ Failing: 0 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 0 │
│ Video: false │
│ Duration: 5 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: cart.test.js │
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/cart.test.js.mp4
Running: plp.test.js (4 of 6)
Search page Filters and Sorting options
1) Applies filters after click
✓ Sort products by price_asc (5204ms)
✓ Sort products by price_desc
Infinite Scroll pagination
✓ Shows more products when requested
2) Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination
3) Changes the page being viewed on scroll
3 passing (53s)
3 failing
1) Search page Filters and Sorting options
Applies filters after click:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=mobile-fs-filter-accordion][data-type=StoreFacetBoolean]>[data-testid=mobile-fs-filter-accordion-button]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/plp.test.js:23:7)
2) Infinite Scroll pagination
Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected '?category-1=office&fuzzy=0&operator=and&facets=category-1%2Cfuzzy%2Coperator&sort=score_desc&page=0' to match /page=1$/
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/plp.test.js:165:34)
3) Infinite Scroll pagination
Changes the page being viewed on scroll:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected '?category-1=office&fuzzy=0&operator=and&facets=category-1%2Cfuzzy%2Coperator&sort=score_desc&page=0' to match /page=1$/
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/plp.test.js:225:7)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_003.json
│ Tests: 6 │
│ Passing: 3 │
│ Failing: 3 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 6 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 52 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: plp.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Applies filters after click (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Applies filters after click (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Changes the page being viewed on scroll (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Changes the page being viewed on scroll (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 5 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/plp.test.js.mp4
Running: search.test.js (5 of 6)
Search input
when search for generic term
✓ opens the search page
1 passing (2s)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_004.json
│ Tests: 1 │
│ Passing: 1 │
│ Failing: 0 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 0 │
│ Video: false │
│ Duration: 1 second │
│ Spec Ran: search.test.js │
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/search.test.js.mp4
Running: seo.test.js (6 of 6)
Home Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
1) has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Product Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Collection Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Filtered Collection Page Seo
✓ has canonical pointing to parent url
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Search Page Seo
2) has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has OpenGraph tags
12 passing (28s)
2 failing
1) Home Page Seo
has structured data:
SyntaxError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 280
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/seo.test.js:43:28)
2) Search Page Seo
has meta/canonical/link tags:
Timed out retrying after 4000ms
+ expected - actual
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/seo.test.js:293:39)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_005.json
│ Tests: 14 │
│ Passing: 12 │
│ Failing: 2 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 4 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 27 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: seo.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/seo.test.js/Home Page Seo -- has (1280x720)
structured data (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/seo.test.js/Home Page Seo -- has (1280x720)
structured data (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/seo.test.js/Search Page Seo -- ha (1280x720)
s metacanonicallink tags (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/seo.test.js/Search Page Seo -- ha (1280x720)
s metacanonicallink tags (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 3 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/seo.test.js.mp4
(Run Finished)
Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped
│ ✖ a11y.test.js 00:16 3 - 3 - - │
│ ✖ analytics.test.js 00:38 12 9 3 - - │
│ ✔ cart.test.js 00:05 4 4 - - - │
│ ✖ plp.test.js 00:52 6 3 3 - - │
│ ✔ search.test.js 00:01 1 1 - - - │
│ ✖ seo.test.js 00:27 14 12 2 - - │
✖ 4 of 6 failed (67%) 02:22 40 29 11 - -