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rhigman edited this page Aug 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

In the context of Thoth, "Series" are deemed serial publications with no clearly-defined end date. For serial publications with a defined end date or amount of individual publications or volumes, please refer to the Work type Book Set.

The Series page will display the Series the user has access to. The following information is displayed:

Column Name Content
ID Unique primary key
Series Series Name
SeriesType Series Type
ISSNprint Print ISSN
ISSNDigital Digital ISSN
UpdatedAt Date/time of most recent update

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Edit series

Series Type (mandatory)

Select the series type from the dropdown menu. There are two types of series:

  • Journal
  • Book Series

Imprint (mandatory)

Select the Imprint under which the book series falls.

Series Name (mandatory)

The name of the series.

ISSN Print (mandatory)

The Print ISSN number of the series.

ISSN Digital (mandatory)

The Digital ISSN number of the series.

Series URL

The URL of the series website. Preface with http:// or https://.

Series Call for Proposals URL

The URL of the series call for proposals. Preface with http:// or https://.

Series Description

The description of the book series

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