High-level APIs for MPack, a fast compliant encoder/decoder for the MessagePack binary format.
Built and tested with Zig version 0.13.0
- Simple and easy to use
- Secure against untrusted data
- Lightweight, suitable for embedded
- Extremely fast
# replace {VERSION} with the latest release eg: v0.1.0
zig fetch https://github.com/theseyan/mpack-zig/archive/refs/tags/{VERSION}.tar.gz
Copy the hash generated and add mpack-zig to build.zig.zon
.dependencies = .{
.mpack = .{
.url = "https://github.com/theseyan/mpack-zig/archive/refs/tags/{VERSION}.tar.gz",
.hash = "{HASH}",
As there is currently no proper documentation, I recommend checking out the tests to refer for examples. The source code is also well-commented.
Zero-allocating API, all writes are flushed to user-provided buffer.
The simplest way to incrementally write a MessagePack encoded message to a buffer. Writing should always start with startMap
and end with finishMap
. Values should always be written immediately after respective keys.
After writing is done, call deinit
to flush the written bytes to the underlying buffer.
For pure-Zig code, it can be useful to directly encode a struct (or any supported type) using the writeAny
If you already have a parsed tree of nodes (using Tree
API), and need to serialize a nested child Map
node to it's own MessagePack buffer, use the writeMapNode
method which accepts a Tree.Node
(internally, it uses the Writer
and TreeCursor
It is also possible to write pre-encoded MessagePack object bytes as value to a larger object via writeEncodedObject
. This is particularly useful when creating a larger structure that embeds smaller encoded structures, wihout having to decode and re-encode everything.
const Writer = mpack.Writer;
var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var writer = Writer.init(&buffer);
try writer.startMap(3);
try writer.writeString("name"); // Key
try writer.writeString("Sayan"); // Value
try writer.writeString("age"); // Key
try writer.writeUint32(100); // Value
try writer.writeString("location"); // and so on...
try writer.startMap(2);
try writer.writeString("x");
try writer.writeDouble(123.535);
try writer.writeString("y");
try writer.writeDouble(1234.1234);
try writer.finishMap();
try writer.finishMap();
// Flush buffered writes to stream
try writer.deinit();
Results in an encoded message equivalent to the following JSON:
"name": "Sayan",
"age": 100,
"location": {
"x": 123.535,
"y": 1234.1234
The following Writer
methods are available:
- Serialize any supported data type, including structs, value must be known at comptime.writeHashMap
- Write aStringArrayHashMap
as aMap
- Infer the type of number at comptime.writeNull
- Infer the type of number at comptime, but value is runtime-known.writeString
- Read more on MessagePack Extensions.startArray
- Start writing an array.count
must be known upfront.startMap
- Start writing a map.length
must be known upfront.finishArray
- Close the last opened array/map.writeAnyExplicit
- When value is unknown at comptime, but type is known.writeMapNode
- Encode a parsedNodeType.Map
node back to binary.writeEncodedObject
- Write a pre-encoded MessagePack object as value.stat
- Returns information about underlying buffer.
By default, nodes of the parsed tree are allocated on the heap as required automatically.
To avoid dynamic allocations, you can create a re-useable Pool
with pre-allocated nodes.
Strings/Binary/Extension values are zero-copy and point to the original buffer, hence are only valid as long as the buffer lives.
Tree-based reader, can be used to read data explicitly and with random access, get a item by path (eg. parents.mother.children[0].name
), de-serialize a message to a Zig struct, or traverse the tree using TreeCursor
pub const Tree = struct {
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, data: []const u8, pool: ?Pool) !Tree
pub fn deinit(self: *Tree) !void
pub fn getByPath(self: *Tree, path: []const u8) !Node
pub fn readAny(self: *Tree, comptime T: type) !struct { value: T, arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator }
pub fn cursor(self: *Tree) !Cursor
/// A pre-allocated pool of nodes to avoid dynamic allocations in hot paths.
pub const Pool = struct {
/// Creates a pool of pre-allocated nodes for use with `init`.
/// This helps avoid slow dynamic allocations in hot paths.
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, size: usize) !Pool
/// Destroys the pool and frees the underlying memory.
pub fn deinit(self: *Pool) void
pub const Node = {
pub const NodeType = enum {
pub fn getType(self: Node) NodeType
pub fn isValid(self: Node) bool
pub fn isNull(self: Node) bool
pub fn getBool(self: Node) !bool
pub fn getInt(self: Node) !i64
pub fn getUint(self: Node) !u64
pub fn getFloat(self: Node) !f32
pub fn getDouble(self: Node) !f64
pub fn getString(self: Node) ![]const u8
pub fn getBytes(self: Node) ![]const u8
pub fn getExtensionType(self: Node) !i8
pub fn getExtensionBytes(self: Node) ![]const u8
pub fn getArrayLength(self: Node) !u32
pub fn getArrayItem(self: Node, index: u32) !Node
pub fn getMapLength(self: Node) !u32
pub fn getMapKeyAt(self: Node, index: u32) !Node
pub fn getMapValueAt(self: Node, index: u32) !Node
pub fn getMapKey(self: Node, key: []const u8) !Node
A TreeCursor
can be used to traverse through a tree's nodes in order.
var cursor = try tree.cursor();
// ... or a cursor starting from any nested Map node
var cursor = try TreeCursor.init(nested_map_node);
It is non-allocating, and returns items one-by-one via the next
method. When all items are exhausted, null
is returned.
pub const TreeCursor = struct {
pub const MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 512;
pub const Event = union(enum) {
// Value events
bool: bool,
int: i64,
uint: u64,
float: f32,
double: f64,
string: []const u8,
bytes: []const u8,
// Container events
mapStart: u32, // Count of map
arrayStart: u32, // Length of array
// Extensions
extension: struct {
type: i8,
data: []const u8,
pub fn init(root: Node) TreeCursor
pub fn next(self: *TreeCursor) !?Event
Simple, zero-allocating, single-pass reader. Strings/Binary/Extension values are "views" into the original buffer, and hence only valid as long as the buffer lives.
Simple primitive reader API that reads tags from the encoded buffer one-by-one. This is the fastest way to traverse through the message but cannot go backwards nor provide random-access. Each read tag advances the reader automatically.
Use the Tree
API if elements are to be accessed multiple times or random-access is required.
Otherwise, it is recommended to use the traversing Cursor
API instead of using this directly.
pub const Reader = struct {
pub const TagType = enum {
pub const Tag = struct {
pub fn getType(self: *Tag) TagType,
pub fn isNull(self: *Tag) bool,
pub fn getBool(self: *Tag) bool,
pub fn getInt(self: *Tag) i64,
pub fn getUint(self: *Tag) u64,
pub fn getFloat(self: *Tag) f32,
pub fn getDouble(self: *Tag) f64,
pub fn getStringValue(self: *Tag, reader: *Reader) ![]const u8,
pub fn getBinaryBytes(self: *Tag, reader: *Reader) ![]const u8,
pub fn getExtensionBytes(self: *Tag, reader: *Reader) ![]const u8
pub fn getStringLength(self: *Tag) u32,
pub fn getArrayLength(self: *Tag) u32,
pub fn getMapLength(self: *Tag) u32,
pub fn getBinLength(self: *Tag) u32,
pub fn getExtensionLength(self: *Tag) u32,
pub fn getExtensionType(self: *Tag) i8
pub fn init(data: []const u8) Reader
pub fn readTag(self: *Reader) !Tag
pub fn finishArray(self: *Reader) void
pub fn finishMap(self: *Reader) void
pub fn cursor(self: *Reader) Cursor
pub fn deinit(self: *Reader) !void
Cursor based on the Reader
API. Faster than TreeCursor
but subject to the same limitations as Reader
The API is very similar to TreeCursor
pub const Cursor = struct {
pub const MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 512;
pub const Event = union(enum) {
// Value events
bool: bool,
int: i64,
uint: u64,
float: f32,
double: f64,
string: []const u8,
bytes: []const u8,
// Container events
mapStart: u32, // Count of map
arrayStart: u32, // Length of array
// Extensions
extension: struct {
type: i8,
data: []const u8,
pub fn init(reader: *Reader) Cursor
pub fn next(self: *Cursor) !?Event
Unit tests are present in the test/
Currently, the tests are limited and do not cover everything. PRs to improve the quality of these tests are welcome.
zig build test
Benchmarks are present in benchmark/
and use the zBench library.
Run the benchmarks:
zig build bench
Results on my personal PC (Intel i5-11400H, Debian, 32 GiB RAM):
benchmark runs total time time/run (avg ± σ) (min ... max) p75 p99 p995
explicit write x 100 65535 625.421ms 9.543us ± 1.091us (8.976us ... 82.607us) 9.808us 13.675us 15.594us
serialize struct x 100 65535 585.208ms 8.929us ± 1.517us (7.551us ... 52.956us) 9.685us 12.922us 13.962us
tree: parse 65535 10.195ms 155ns ± 93ns (136ns ... 19.05us) 158ns 186ns 188ns
tree: parse w/ pool 65535 10.901ms 166ns ± 1.222us (129ns ... 211.649us) 166ns 247ns 248ns
tree: read by path 65535 23.742ms 362ns ± 183ns (324ns ... 31.989us) 367ns 413ns 526ns
tree: cursor iterate 65535 23.694ms 361ns ± 234ns (328ns ... 35.133us) 363ns 410ns 421ns
reader: cursor iterate 65535 11.166ms 170ns ± 41ns (158ns ... 5.897us) 175ns 187ns 190ns