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355 lines (291 loc) · 11.5 KB

MessagePack for Zig

High-level APIs for MPack, a fast compliant encoder/decoder for the MessagePack binary format.

Built and tested with Zig version 0.13.0.

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Secure against untrusted data
  • Lightweight, suitable for embedded
  • Extremely fast

Table of Contents


# replace {VERSION} with the latest release eg: v0.1.0
zig fetch{VERSION}.tar.gz

Copy the hash generated and add mpack-zig to build.zig.zon:

    .dependencies = .{
        .mpack = .{
            .url = "{VERSION}.tar.gz",
            .hash = "{HASH}",


As there is currently no proper documentation, I recommend checking out the tests to refer for examples. The source code is also well-commented.



Zero-allocating API, all writes are flushed to user-provided buffer.

The simplest way to incrementally write a MessagePack encoded message to a buffer. Writing should always start with startMap and end with finishMap. Values should always be written immediately after respective keys. After writing is done, call deinit to flush the written bytes to the underlying buffer.

For pure-Zig code, it can be useful to directly encode a struct (or any supported type) using the writeAny/writeAnyExplicit methods.

If you already have a parsed tree of nodes (using Tree API), and need to serialize a nested child Map node to it's own MessagePack buffer, use the writeMapNode method which accepts a Tree.Node (internally, it uses the Writer and TreeCursor APIs).

It is also possible to write pre-encoded MessagePack object bytes as value to a larger object via writeEncodedObject. This is particularly useful when creating a larger structure that embeds smaller encoded structures, wihout having to decode and re-encode everything.

const Writer = mpack.Writer;

var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var writer = Writer.init(&buffer);

try writer.startMap(3);
try writer.writeString("name");     // Key
  try writer.writeString("Sayan");  // Value

try writer.writeString("age");      // Key
  try writer.writeUint32(100);      // Value

try writer.writeString("location"); // and so on...
  try writer.startMap(2);
    try writer.writeString("x");
      try writer.writeDouble(123.535);
    try writer.writeString("y");
      try writer.writeDouble(1234.1234);
  try writer.finishMap();
try writer.finishMap();

// Flush buffered writes to stream
try writer.deinit();

Results in an encoded message equivalent to the following JSON:

  "name": "Sayan",
  "age": 100,
  "location": {
    "x": 123.535,
    "y": 1234.1234

The following Writer methods are available:

  • writeAny - Serialize any supported data type, including structs, value must be known at comptime.
  • writeHashMap - Write a StringArrayHashMap as a Map value.
  • writeNumber - Infer the type of number at comptime.
  • writeNull
  • writeBool
  • writeInt8, writeInt16, writeInt32, writeInt64
  • writeUint8, writeUint16, writeUint32, writeUint64
  • writeFloat, writeDouble
  • writeNumberExplicit - Infer the type of number at comptime, but value is runtime-known.
  • writeString
  • writeBytes
  • writeExtension - Read more on MessagePack Extensions.
  • startArray - Start writing an array. count must be known upfront.
  • startMap - Start writing a map. length must be known upfront.
  • finishArray, finishMap - Close the last opened array/map.
  • writeAnyExplicit - When value is unknown at comptime, but type is known.
  • writeMapNode - Encode a parsed NodeType.Map node back to binary.
  • writeEncodedObject - Write a pre-encoded MessagePack object as value.
  • stat - Returns information about underlying buffer.



By default, nodes of the parsed tree are allocated on the heap as required automatically. To avoid dynamic allocations, you can create a re-useable Pool with pre-allocated nodes. Strings/Binary/Extension values are zero-copy and point to the original buffer, hence are only valid as long as the buffer lives.

Tree-based reader, can be used to read data explicitly and with random access, get a item by path (eg. parents.mother.children[0].name), de-serialize a message to a Zig struct, or traverse the tree using TreeCursor.

pub const Tree = struct {
  pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, data: []const u8, pool: ?Pool) !Tree
  pub fn deinit(self: *Tree) !void

  pub fn getByPath(self: *Tree, path: []const u8) !Node
  pub fn readAny(self: *Tree, comptime T: type) !struct { value: T, arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator }
  pub fn cursor(self: *Tree) !Cursor

  /// A pre-allocated pool of nodes to avoid dynamic allocations in hot paths.
  pub const Pool = struct {
    /// Creates a pool of pre-allocated nodes for use with `init`.
    /// This helps avoid slow dynamic allocations in hot paths.
    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, size: usize) !Pool

    /// Destroys the pool and frees the underlying memory.
    pub fn deinit(self: *Pool) void

pub const Node = {
  pub const NodeType = enum {

  pub fn getType(self: Node) NodeType
  pub fn isValid(self: Node) bool
  pub fn isNull(self: Node) bool
  pub fn getBool(self: Node) !bool
  pub fn getInt(self: Node) !i64
  pub fn getUint(self: Node) !u64
  pub fn getFloat(self: Node) !f32
  pub fn getDouble(self: Node) !f64
  pub fn getString(self: Node) ![]const u8
  pub fn getBytes(self: Node) ![]const u8
  pub fn getExtensionType(self: Node) !i8
  pub fn getExtensionBytes(self: Node) ![]const u8
  pub fn getArrayLength(self: Node) !u32
  pub fn getArrayItem(self: Node, index: u32) !Node
  pub fn getMapLength(self: Node) !u32
  pub fn getMapKeyAt(self: Node, index: u32) !Node
  pub fn getMapValueAt(self: Node, index: u32) !Node
  pub fn getMapKey(self: Node, key: []const u8) !Node


A TreeCursor can be used to traverse through a tree's nodes in order.

var cursor = try tree.cursor();

// ... or a cursor starting from any nested Map node
var cursor = try TreeCursor.init(nested_map_node);

It is non-allocating, and returns items one-by-one via the next method. When all items are exhausted, null is returned.

pub const TreeCursor = struct {
  pub const MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 512;
  pub const Event = union(enum) {
    // Value events
    bool: bool,
    int: i64,
    uint: u64,
    float: f32,
    double: f64,
    string: []const u8,
    bytes: []const u8,
    // Container events
    mapStart: u32,      // Count of map
    arrayStart: u32,    // Length of array

    // Extensions
    extension: struct {
        type: i8,
        data: []const u8,

  pub fn init(root: Node) TreeCursor
  pub fn next(self: *TreeCursor) !?Event



Simple, zero-allocating, single-pass reader. Strings/Binary/Extension values are "views" into the original buffer, and hence only valid as long as the buffer lives.

Simple primitive reader API that reads tags from the encoded buffer one-by-one. This is the fastest way to traverse through the message but cannot go backwards nor provide random-access. Each read tag advances the reader automatically.

Use the Tree API if elements are to be accessed multiple times or random-access is required. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the traversing Cursor API instead of using this directly.

pub const Reader = struct {
  pub const TagType = enum {

  pub const Tag = struct {
    pub fn getType(self: *Tag) TagType,

    pub fn isNull(self: *Tag) bool,
    pub fn getBool(self: *Tag) bool,
    pub fn getInt(self: *Tag) i64,
    pub fn getUint(self: *Tag) u64,
    pub fn getFloat(self: *Tag) f32,
    pub fn getDouble(self: *Tag) f64,
    pub fn getStringValue(self: *Tag, reader: *Reader) ![]const u8,
    pub fn getBinaryBytes(self: *Tag, reader: *Reader) ![]const u8,
    pub fn getExtensionBytes(self: *Tag, reader: *Reader) ![]const u8
    pub fn getStringLength(self: *Tag) u32,
    pub fn getArrayLength(self: *Tag) u32,
    pub fn getMapLength(self: *Tag) u32,
    pub fn getBinLength(self: *Tag) u32,
    pub fn getExtensionLength(self: *Tag) u32,
    pub fn getExtensionType(self: *Tag) i8

  pub fn init(data: []const u8) Reader
  pub fn readTag(self: *Reader) !Tag
  pub fn finishArray(self: *Reader) void
  pub fn finishMap(self: *Reader) void
  pub fn cursor(self: *Reader) Cursor
  pub fn deinit(self: *Reader) !void


Cursor based on the Reader API. Faster than TreeCursor but subject to the same limitations as Reader.

The API is very similar to TreeCursor.

pub const Cursor = struct {
  pub const MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 512;
  pub const Event = union(enum) {
    // Value events
    bool: bool,
    int: i64,
    uint: u64,
    float: f32,
    double: f64,
    string: []const u8,
    bytes: []const u8,
    // Container events
    mapStart: u32,      // Count of map
    arrayStart: u32,    // Length of array

    // Extensions
    extension: struct {
        type: i8,
        data: []const u8,

  pub fn init(reader: *Reader) Cursor
  pub fn next(self: *Cursor) !?Event


Unit tests are present in the test/ directory.

Currently, the tests are limited and do not cover everything. PRs to improve the quality of these tests are welcome.

zig build test


Benchmarks are present in benchmark/ and use the zBench library.

Run the benchmarks:

zig build bench

Results on my personal PC (Intel i5-11400H, Debian, 32 GiB RAM):

benchmark              runs     total time     time/run (avg ± σ)     (min ... max)                p75        p99        p995      
explicit write x 100   65535    625.421ms      9.543us ± 1.091us      (8.976us ... 82.607us)       9.808us    13.675us   15.594us  
serialize struct x 100 65535    585.208ms      8.929us ± 1.517us      (7.551us ... 52.956us)       9.685us    12.922us   13.962us  
tree: parse            65535    10.195ms       155ns ± 93ns           (136ns ... 19.05us)          158ns      186ns      188ns     
tree: parse w/ pool    65535    10.901ms       166ns ± 1.222us        (129ns ... 211.649us)        166ns      247ns      248ns     
tree: read by path     65535    23.742ms       362ns ± 183ns          (324ns ... 31.989us)         367ns      413ns      526ns     
tree: cursor iterate   65535    23.694ms       361ns ± 234ns          (328ns ... 35.133us)         363ns      410ns      421ns     
reader: cursor iterate 65535    11.166ms       170ns ± 41ns           (158ns ... 5.897us)          175ns      187ns      190ns