issues Search Results · repo:thegetty/terracottas language:JavaScript
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inthegetty/terracottas (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello,
There is a little space in the url on the top of the main page (on githup repo page). @
The link is
- Opened on Mar 2, 2018
- #71
- [x] @egardner to check with Jim and Karen regarding blank pages
- [x] @egardner to check with Printer on adding blank page at end if necessary
- [x] @geealbers to generate final PDF and @ruthlane ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 25, 2016
- #63
Test the 360s using less than the current 180 images per object to optimize for download speed without sacrificing too
much quality.
- 1
- Opened on Jan 21, 2016
- #62
- [x] Remove South Italy ; Move Calabria to its modern-day position in the toe of the boot.
- [x] Adjust styling of regions label text to be more visually minimal (perhaps with thin sans serif, or ...
- 10
- Opened on Jan 19, 2016
- #61
Cat 60 is the one object with a definitive findspot. So, in its object details we need to list Morgantina, Sicily under
Location. The Morgantina part is currently captured as site in the yml file. Think ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 13, 2016
- #60
Let s address these comments from Claire prior to sending out the new POD test:
- [x] The current image before the Introduction isn t a very strong piece, and the close-up shows much dirt in the
- 6
- Opened on Jan 13, 2016
- #59
Both Clair and @ruthlane find the search results a bit confounding, particularly for broadly used terms like bust . I
think the root of the issue is that results don t seem to be in any logical order. ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 5, 2016
- #58
Claire pointed out that there s an excessive amount of white space in the Guide and that it s breaking up its
readability. She s fine if the images don t appear with the entries, but obviously that would ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 5, 2016
- #57
Longer lines need to indent in after the first line, as shown here with Description, Identifiers and Subjects:
screen shot 2015-12-22 at 4 06 00 pm
This data block, with this formatting, should also ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 23, 2015
- #56
In the version that went to the indexer, there are blank recto pages on pages 25 and 159. Just need to add in a couple
images there. Can wait until after the index comes back and we finalize.
- 1
- Opened on Dec 22, 2015
- #55

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