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Getting Started with Twitter

ChantalG1 edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 15 revisions
  1. Create a database: Click New Database in the Menu Bar to create a blank database.

  2. Login to Twitter: In the Twitter tab of the Query Setup click on Login to Twitter and login to get a valid Access Token. Notice: the Access Token is like a password to Twitter. Since it may be printed in the Status Log and saved in the application settings don't give anyone untrusted access to your computer or to the status log.

  3. Add nodes: Add a Twitter username by clicking Add Nodes in the Menu Bar. User names normally are preceded by an @-character on the profile page or in tweets. For now omit the @-character. You can see the user name in the last part of of a profile page, e.g. enter "wissen_lockt" for the page "" or enter "TheAcademy" for the page "".

  4. Setup query: Type into the Base path field of the Query Setup. Type users/show into the Resource field. Delete any Parameters. Then add just one parameter: the term screen_name goes into the left side, the term <Object ID> goes into the right side. See for other possibilities if you like.

  5. Fetch data: select one or more nodes in the Nodes View and click Fetch data. Look at the Status Log (make sure Log all requests was enabled) to see how the URL is assembled from your settings.

  6. Inspect data: Expand your node or click Expand nodes in the Menu Bar to open all nodes. Select one of the new child nodes. The raw data is shown in the Data View to the right.

  7. Setup columns: Click Clear Column Setup below the "Custom Table Columns" area. Change the Column Setup according to your needs by adding keys found in the raw data into the "Custom Table Columns" area. You can use Add Column after you clicked on the specific key or just use Add All Columns. Don't forget to click Apply Column Setup in the Column Setup to add them in the Nodes View. If the columns don't show up make sure to scroll right or to resize the columns (click between the headers).

  8. Export data: Click Export Data to get a CSV file. Notice the options in the export mode field of the export dialog. You can open CSV files with Excel oder any statistics software you like.

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