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jaecmk edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 11 revisions

The settings on the right side of the Query Setup apply to all the different modules for fetching data.

General settings

Field Explanation
Node level This setting works like a filter. If you select a parent node and increase node level by one, data is fetched for all child nodes. This way you can fetch data for a lot of nodes in deeper levels without selecting them by hand.
Select all nodes Check if you want to fetch data for all nodes according to the node level. This helps with large datasets because manually selecting all nodes slows down Facepager.
Exclude object types Skip nodes with these object types, comma separated list. Normally this should not be changed.
Resume collection Check if you want to continue collection after fetching was cancelled or nodes were skipped. The last fetched offcut or data node is used to determine the pagination value. Nodes are skipped if no pagination value can be found. Nodes without children having status fetched(200) are processed anyway.
Parallel Threads If you increase the thread count, data is fetched in parallel. This results in faster speed when dealing with thousands of nodes. Be aware that API providers may ban you if you are going too fast. You should use this option very carefully.
Requests per minute Some providers limit the amount of data you are allowed to fetch in a certain time. In this case it might be useful to decrease the requests per minute and slow down fetching.
Maximum errors Set the number of consecutive errors after which fetching will be cancelled. Please handle with care! Continuing with erroneous requests places stress on the servers.
Create header nodes Check if you want to create nodes containing headers of the response.
Expand new nodes Check to automatically expand new nodes when fetching data. Disable for big queries to speed up the process.
Log all request This tick is normally set. All your requests will show up in the Status View. If you want a less verbose output uncheck this option.
Clear settings when closing Set a tick here, if you want to clear all your settings when you close Facepager. Especially do this, when you’re working at a public computer. Otherwise your access token will still be available when somebody opens the program again.
Style Choose the styling of Facepager
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