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Releases: secsome/FA2sp

[RELEASE] Build20231122 (1.6.3)

22 Nov 06:43
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RELEASE 1.6.3 (2023-11-22)

  • New ExtConfig : ExtVariables = BOOLEAN, defaults to false
  • New ExtConfig : FileWatcher = BOOLEAN, defaults to true
  • Add shortcuts to some online websites
    • FA2sp Github Page, translation key: Menu.Online.FA2sp
    • Phobos Github Page, translation key: Menu.Online.Phobos
    • PPM Forum MainPage, translation key: Menu.Online.PPM
    • ModEnc MainPage, translation key: Menu.Online.ModEnc
    • You can also add your own shortcuts (3 at max) by editing FAData.ini section [Online]
      • This feature might be vulnerable in some cases, so it is disabled by default, you can enable it by setting ExtConfig : CustomOnlineWebsites = BOOLEAN, defaults to false
    ; In `FAData.ini`
    Custom1=My Website Name 1,
    Custom2=My Website Name 2,
    Custom3=My Website Name 3,

[RELEASE] Build20230718 (1.6.2)

18 Jul 12:54
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RELEASE 1.6.2 (2023-07-18)

  • Renamed ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.GuessMode to ObjectBrowser.GuessMode
  • Renamed ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.CleanUp to ObjectBrowser.CleanUp
  • Renamed ExtConfig : BrowserRedraw.SafeHouses to ObjectBrowser.SafeHouses
  • Now buildings whose hp percentage lower than [AudioVisual]>ConditionYellow will be displayed as damaged one
  • Now buildings whose hp is 0 will be displayed as their rubble frame
    • Currently the rubble will probably be drawn with an incorrect palette
  • New ExtConfig : HideNoRubbleBuilding = BOOLEAN, defaults to false, enable it so Buildings with LeaveRubble=no will be hide if their HP = 0
  • New ExtConfig : MultiSelectionShiftDeselect = BOOLEAN, defaults to false, enable it so deselect all hotkey would be CTRL+SHIFT+D, otherwise it would be CTRL+D
  • Added hotkey CTRL+SHIFT+F for Navigate to coordinate
  • SliderCtrl now displays tooltip indicating current strength of the object
  • Now Map Editor will hint if the map file had been externally modified. Can be translated by FileWatcherMessage.

[RELEASE] Build20230506 (1.6.1)

06 May 11:39
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RELEASE 1.6.1 (2023-05-06)

  • New Map Tool: Navigate to coordinate, can be translated by Menu.MapTools.NavigateCoordinate, more locolization tags could be found in the document
  • Fixed the bug that Taskforce window didn't translate message properly
  • ExtConfig : EnableMultiSelection defaults to true since this version. This tag is supposed to be deprecated in 1.7.0.

[RELEASE] Build20230430 (1.6.0)

30 Apr 08:00
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RELEASE 1.6.0 (2023-04-30)

  • Reimplemented file reading system
  • Support Ares Custom Foundation
  • Map validator now checks overlapping structures, raise an error instead of warning for now. String can be modified by MV_OverlapStructures
    • You should manually add buildings that need to be ignored in FADATA.INI section [StructureOverlappingCheckIgnores], as it is raising an error, and you probably want some lightposts to be ignored.
    • The Ignorance list might be removed in the future, when I can finally figure out what is that stupid problem
  • Map validator now checks missing logic params, raise an error instead of warning for now. String can be modified by MV_LogicMissingParams
  • Fixed the bug that lighting is not reset correctly when loading/creating a map
  • Fixed the bug that smudges and basenodes drifting away when resizing the map
  • Multiselection now supports copy & paste
  • Multiselection operations(raise or lower cells) now supports undo & redo
  • New ExtConfig : ExtendedValidationNoError = BOOLEAN, defaults to false

As you can see, this is a quite big update for FA2sp, which contains the refactor of original filesystem, so there also might be some problems inside. So if you guys found any questions when using it, please submit an issue! I will take some time after June, in July maybe, to look into the problems and try to resolve them.

[RELEASE] Build20230303 (1.5.2)

03 Mar 04:36
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RELEASE 1.5.2 (2023-03-03)

  • Fixed the bug that money calculation is incorrect
  • Now SHP Vehicles more than 8 facings are supported
  • New ExtConfig : EnableMultiSelection = BOOLEAN, defaults to false

[UNSTABLE] Build20230303

03 Mar 12:34
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[UNSTABLE] Build20230303 (2023-XX-XX)

  • Reimplemented file reading system
  • Support Ares Custom Foundation
  • Map validator now checks overlapping structures, raise an error instead of warning for now. String can be modified by MV_OverlapStructures

[RELEASE] Build20230112 (1.5.1)

12 Jan 13:19
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RELEASE 1.5.1 (2023-01-12)

  • Fixed the bug that Preview was incorrectly saved in version 1.5.0
  • Built-in script params can be translated
  • Trigger repeat type can be translated

Translation keys can be found in document.

[RELEASE] Build20230103 (1.5.0)

03 Jan 12:19
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Happy new year!

RELEASE 1.5.0 (2023-01-03)

  • Implement Auto Property Brush
  • New ExtConfig : DDrawInVideoMem = BOOLEAN, defaults to true
  • New ExtConfig : DDrawEmulation = BOOLEAN, defaults to false
  • New ExtConfig : NoHouseNameTranslation = BOOLEAN, defaults to false

[RELEASE] Build20221027 (1.4.2)

27 Oct 10:05
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This build fixed a bug that might lead to the Multiplayer Maps not being saved correctly.

Download both DLL!

  • Split CncVxlRenderText
  • New ExtConfig : RandomTerrainObjects = BOOLEAN, enable it so random trees will show all TerrainTypes.
  • Fixed a bug when saving [PreviewPack] and [Preview]

[RELEASE] Build20210618 (1.4.1)

18 Jun 04:12
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RELEASE 1.4.1 (2022-06-18)

  • This is a cumulative update
  • Reimplemented CTeamTypes message handler
  • Support for lower case of theater names
  • Fix a possible memory leak
  • Disable MultiSelection
  • Optimizations on UI
  • Put Preview and PreviewPack at the beginning of the map file if they exist
  • Update the changelog file and document file, now really using Markdown