pyembroidery Public
Forked from EmbroidePy/pyembroiderypyembroidery library for reading and writing a variety of embroidery formats.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2024 -
StocksMA Public
StocksMA is a package to facilitate access to financial and economic data of Moroccan stocks.
Infinite-Storage-Glitch Public
Forked from DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-GlitchISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video
Rust GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 24, 2023 -
COVID-19-SIR Public
A susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model that provides a theoretical framework for studying the spread of COVID-19 within a community.
AriStocks Public
Forecasting Stock Market Returns Using Deep Learning And Time Series Techniques: A Comparative And Empirical Study Using Technical Indicators.
SparkML-BankChurn Public
Forked from AterhiM/SparkML-BankChurnPredicting customer's behavior with the use of Spark architecture.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 27, 2022 -
Eulera Dashboard is an easy and intuitive way to get a quick feel of what’s happening on the world’s market.
authx Public
Forked from yezz123/authxReady to use and customizable Authentications and Authorisation management for FastAPI ⚡
finpie Public
Forked from ZUZEX/finpieSimple library to download some financial data.
finBERT Public
Forked from ProsusAI/finBERTFinancial Sentiment Analysis with BERT
awesome-ml-for-cybersecurity Public
Forked from jivoi/awesome-ml-for-cybersecurityMachine Learning for Cyber Security
dash-sample-apps Public
Forked from plotly/dash-sample-appsOpen-source demos hosted on Dash Gallery
Distributed-Computing-HPC-Assignments Public
Forked from imadki/Distributed-Computing-HPC-AssignmentsAssignments of the Distributed-Computing-HPC lectures
BnademOverflow Public
Forked from BnademOverflow/BnademOverflowBnademOverFlow's Official Website
BnademOverflow-Community Public
Forked from BnademOverflow/BnademOverflow-CommunityCommunity list of BnademOverFlow members 👽
1 UpdatedMay 2, 2021 -
valuation_dashboard Public
Forked from gunardilin/valuation_dashboardWeb-App that analyze company's value & risk
Python UpdatedApr 28, 2021 -
dataset Public
Forked from darija-open-dataset/datasetdarija <-> english dictionary
Graph-convolutional-neural-networks-with-applications-in-text-classification Public
Forked from rBenke/Graph-convolutional-neural-networks-with-applications-in-text-classification -
kbd-audio Public
Forked from ggerganov/kbd-audioTools for capturing and analysing keyboard input paired with microphone capture 🎤⌨️
Depix Public
Forked from cbogithub/DepixRecovers passwords from pixelized screenshots
CTF-tools Public
a curated list of frameworks, libraries, resources, scripts and softwares made with ❤️.
awesome-arabic Public
Forked from 01walid/awesome-arabicA curated list of awesome projects and dev/design resources for supporting Arabic computational needs.
1 UpdatedAug 27, 2020 -
ARBML Public
Forked from ARBML/ARBMLImplementation of many Arabic NLP and ML projects. Providing real time experience using many interfaces like web, command line and notebooks.
docs-to-md Public
Forked from JoaquimEsteves/docs-to-mdEver wanted to automatically generate markdown from pydocs? Are all of the other tools lacking in simplicity? Well have I got the answer for you