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Cartographer Beta Channel

Jason Pell edited this page Dec 9, 2024 · 35 revisions

Switching to Beta

Update to latest Simple AF

First of all, it is vital you are on the latest version of Simple AF so do this first:

/usr/data/pellcorp/k1/ --klipper-repo klipper master
/usr/data/pellcorp/k1/ --branch main
/usr/data/pellcorp/k1/ --file cartotouch.cfg --replace-section-entry scanner calibration_method touch
/usr/data/pellcorp/k1/ --update

Please note for the beta we are switching calibration method back to touch mode, so you will need to follow the entire calibration process for touch mode!!!

IMPORTANT: For the beta currently only the default klipper repo is supported, no testing has been done for k1-carto-klipper, so it is vital you switch klipper forks before trying the beta (the first command above does this)

Make sure that you have a rescue usb key

It is vital to make sure you have a way to emergency factory reset the printer, if the worst happens. There is a macro in Simple AF called CHECK_USB_KEY that will wait for you to plug a USB key in and tell you if it was able to be successfully mounted. You should verify your USB key often just to make sure you have something if you need to unbrick your printer, simply type CHECK_USB_KEY or hit the button in Fluidd / Mainsail


If you get the message: INFO - USB Key was recognised and mounted correctly (/tmp/udisk/sda1), your USB is perfect to use for a factory reset. If you get no message at all before the script ends (after 60 seconds), your USB is defective. You can check the messages file in the logs section of your UI to get more details about why the usb key could not be mounted!

Flash Cartographer with 5.1.0

IMPORTANT: This is not optional, you must flash your cartographer with 5.1.0 firmware, you must NOT skip this step!!!

Change cartographer.conf

Change the channel from stable to dev Modify the primary_branch attribute and set it to beta


Login to your printer and run these commands:

cd /usr/data/cartographer-klipper
git fetch
git switch beta
cd ~
/usr/share/klippy-env/bin/python3 -m compileall /usr/data/klipper/klippy
/etc/init.d/S56moonraker_service restart
/etc/init.d/S55klipper_service restart

Cleanup printer.cfg

Please make sure to remove any scanner related config from the save config section at the bottom of printer.cfg and save and restart before re-calibrating.

So the follow sections must be removed:

  • [scanner model default]
  • [scanner]

Now you are on the beta

Beta Calibration

IMPORTANT: Do NOT use the guided macros CALIBRATE_TOUCH or CALIBRATE_SCAN, they are not compatible with the beta calibration process.

  1. Home X Y (G28 X Y)
  2. Heat Nozzle to 150c (M109 S150) so that any filament can be removed from nozzle
  3. Make sure nozzle is centred on bed
  4. Enable Force Move (via the button in the UI) and move your bed plate 2-3 mm away from the nozzle
  5. Run CARTOGRAPHER_CALIBRATE METHOD=manual Follow the Paper Test Method Upon completion SAVE_CONFIG

WARNING: Do not use a metal feeler gauge for this step, it could interfere with calibration!!!

After the save config you have to do the cartographer threshold scan (see next)

WARNING: For this next step, it is really important to be near your printer for this step, because if there is any issue with the printer configuration or your carto probe, its possible the nozzle will dig itself into the bed, so be hovering over that e-stop button!

  1. Home All (G28)
  2. Make sure nozzle is centred on bed
  3. Heat Nozzle to 150c (M109 S150) so that any filament can be removed from nozzle

After the save config you have to do the touch calibration.

WARNING: For this next step, it is really important to be near your printer for this step, because if there is any issue with the printer configuration or your carto probe, its possible the nozzle will dig itself into the bed, so be hovering over that e-stop button!

  1. Home All (G28)
  2. Heat Nozzle to 150c (M109 S150) so that any filament can be removed from nozzle

Note: If this fails after 3 tries, you should check to make sure there is not filament stuck to the bottom of your nozzle!


Post Calibration steps

What if I want to go back to stable?

You will need to follow the following steps to return to stable version of Cartographer

Change cartographer.conf

Change the channel from dev to stable Modify the primary_branch attribute and set it to master


Login to your printer and run these commands:

cd /usr/data/cartographer-klipper
git fetch
git switch master
git reset --hard v1.1.0
cd ~
/usr/share/klippy-env/bin/python3 -m compileall /usr/data/klipper/klippy
/etc/init.d/S56moonraker_service restart
/etc/init.d/S55klipper_service restart

Now you are on the stable

Simple AF

Simple AF Cartographer


Simple AF BTT Eddy

Simple AF Microprobe

Simple AF Bltouch, CrTouch and 3dTouch


If you are looking for a way to support the project, and its entirely optional, this is my preferred approach. I am conducting a fundraiser to purchase a K1M printer, just so I can push out fixes and new features a bit faster, but also specifically test the K1M as well as the K1.

If you can't donate via go fund me directly, I have also added a kofi account.

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