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Marlon Kern edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 5 revisions


The mail module is a system module, and is found in the system/sys_email.php file. It can be included with the following line :


Creator Method

An email object is created in the standard way, with the

$myObject = new email();

Public Methods

setSender(, )

Set sender allows the setting of who is sending the message, both their name and email address.

addAddress(, , <'TO'|'CC'|'BCC'>)

add address allows the addition of a user to a send envelope. The destination (to, carbon-copy and blind carbon copy) can be specified.


setBody( [,

Set Body is used to set the main message data of the email. This method also uses simpleTemplate class to allow the replacement of tokens in the message string - tokens being of the type {%%}.

As an example, the following

$my->setBody("Good Morning {%user%}. I am ready for my first lesson.",
  array('user' => 'Dr. Chandra')

will result in the output

Good Morning Dr. Chandra. I am ready for my first lesson.

This feature allows fairly complex templates to be built up. Simple IF conditions are also allowed, due to the base_simpletemplate class.

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