Hi there, I am a Computer Science Junior at IIIT Delhi.
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Graphic Design
Competitive programming
Hi there, I am a Computer Science Junior at IIIT Delhi.
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Graphic Design
Competitive programming
Memory Manager allows to allocate and manage memory efficiently by keeping track of available memory spaces and optimizing memory usage.
Forked from nandinii09/CO-project
This project provides a simple simulator and assembler for a custom assembly language, allowing to understand and experiment with the fundamentals of computer organization.
Python 1
Library Management System is a Java application designed using (OOPs) principles to automate various tasks in a library. This system allows librarians to manage books, members, and fines efficientl…
The RREF Convertor performs Row Reduction to Echelon Form (RREF) on a given matrix and solves the associated system of linear equations via the gaussian elimination method