CSE112 - Course Project by Suhani Kalyani(2022511), Vanshika Pal(2022560), Nandini Jain(2022316), Palak Bhardwaj(2022344)
- CO-project -> CO_A_P1 -> Simple-Assembler -> Assembler.py
Label type instruction: only 1 label declaration per line i.e, ":"occurs only once.
Mov R1 FLAGS is taken to be a valid command since FLAGS doesn't represent a variable but instead represents a valid register name , where
MOV can be used with two types of instructions , type1- mov register value , mov reg1 reg2 , hence we have taken to be a valid name
Use of FLAG register:
- 'FLAGS' is a valid register name
- mov reg1 FLAGS is the only valid instruction involving FLAG register.