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V2 Release Notes

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 3 revisions


Fixed #27, Invoke-Builds regression.


Faster preprocessing of special tasks *.

A new tool New-VSCodeTask.ps1 is created. It generates VSCode tasks bound to a specified or default build script tasks and Invoke-Build as a task runner.


  • Preserves original comments and empty lines.
  • Adds comments about not supported $psake properties.
  • Adds comments about incompatible cases of exec, assert.


  • Revised collections and checks for missing and cyclic tasks.
  • Invoke-Builds uses engine functions to avoid dupes and #21.


Resolved #22, checkpoints are stored before tasks.


Improved detection of color support, #21.


Fixed #20, persistent builds with cmdlet binding parameters.


Tweaks in error processing and satellite tools.


Added new command equals (alias of Assert-BuildEquals), mostly for tests. Consider to use equals X Y instead of assert (X -eq Y). It is simpler, it avoids subtle PowerShell conversions, and its error message is more useful.


Use-BuildAlias: * is for auto detection of the latest build tools. Example:

use * MSBuild


Fixed #17: After tasks should be added after Before tasks.

This fix changes the order of added tasks in the following case:

task Task1                 # task with no own actions
task After -After Task1    # at first After is added
task Before -Before Task1  # then Before is added

After preprocessing the result task had unexpected reference order:

task Task1 After, Before

After the fix the order of referenced tasks is changed to expected:

task Task1 Before, After


  • Fixed #16, the package is marked as developmentDependency.
  • Fixed typo in help.


Added InformationAction and InformationVariable for v5.


Dot-sourcing lets specify the build root.


Only the core scripts are left in the package in order to keep it focused on main tasks. Other tools are available at the project repository. A separate package with tools may be created in the future if somebody needs this.

Excluded Invoke-TaskFromISE.ps1, Show-BuildGraph.ps1, Show-BuildTree.ps1 now allow Invoke-Build.ps1 to be in the path but at first they still look for it in their directories.

Added Tasks/Param. It shows how to create several tasks which perform similar actions with some differences depending on parameters.

Added Tests/, acknowledged issues and various facts.


Fixed #12 Write-Warning fails in a trap.


This version improves Invoke-Build as a testing engine and slightly improves information shown for normal builds. Potentially incompatible changes: if scripts analyse result Errors and Warnings then they should be revised.

Aborted builds (Issue #9)

When an error happens before a build starts (missing task, cyclic reference, script throws, and etc.) then the build footer shows this as Build ABORTED (i.e. not even started) instead of Build FAILED (i.e. started and failed).

Improved result errors (Issue #10)

The result Errors list contains objects:

  • Error - original error record
  • File - current $BuildFile
  • Task - current $Task or null for non-task errors

This new information is especially useful in testing:

Invoke-Build ** -Safe -Result Result
$Result.Errors [ | Format-List ]

Use $Result.Errors in order to just list all failures (as above) or produce detailed reports. Error objects now contain enough details.

Improved result warnings (Issue #11)

The result Warnings list contains objects:

  • Message - warning message
  • File - current $BuildFile
  • Task - current $Task or null for non-task warnings

Build footers as usual show warnings, with task and file now included.


Resolved #8. Improved footer messages and result list Errors:

  • Avoided duplicated errors.
  • Non-task errors are included.


Resolved #5. When Safe is used together with the special task ** (invoke *.test.ps1) then task failures stop current test scripts, not the whole testing. This change is potentially incompatible, it may alter results of Invoke-Build ** -Safe.


Resolved #6. Out-String should not be used by the engine.


Fixed incomplete error information when -Safe is used.


Invoke-Build features can be imported to normal scripts by dot-sourcing. See help Invoke-Build or wiki Dot Sourcing Build Features.


Minor tweaks in the code and revised help.

Removed sample Tasks from the package.


  • Documented the issue #4 in help. Namely, dynamic switches must be specified after positional parameters Task and File.
  • Corrected parameter positions in Show-BuildGraph.ps1, even though it worked fine, interestingly.


  • Resolved #3 (colored output from remote hosts).


  • ib.cmd: corrected #2.
  • Help shows default parameter values in a standard way.


Invoke-TaskFromISE.ps1, Show-BuildGraph.ps1, Show-BuildTree.ps1

  • They expect Invoke-Build.ps1 to be in the same directory. Pros: 1) to be in the path is optional; 2) this approach avoids potential version conflicts.


  • It does not show upstream tasks by default, they may look confusing.
  • New switch Upstream tells to show upstream tasks for each task.

Minor inner changes.


  • ib.cmd shows help on /?
  • Custom task file - fixed propagation of the source
  • DynamicParam - replaced Get-Variable with $PSBoundParameters


Users ask for a common cmd.exe helper. I was reluctant for some reasons but now is a good time, perhaps. Here is the proposal based on my own practice.

  • ib.cmd is the proposed Invoke-Build helper for cmd.exe.
  • For similar experience in interactive PowerShell use an alias ib.

Note that scripts should continue to use the command Invoke-Build. The ib commands should be used with cmd.exe (ib.cmd) and in interactive PowerShell (alias of Invoke-Build.ps1 defined in the profile).

Custom tasks

  • Added the sample custom rake-like task file. It is not a big deal but it still may be useful. Besides, it comes with examples of incremental tasks.


Task help (experimentally). The Jobs is an array, not a text. With many jobs this avoids dropped Synopsis on default formatting.

New script Convert-psake.ps1 converts psake build scripts to Invoke-Build.


Fixed text of error messages on explicitly set task errors.


Revised errors

  • Removed irrelevant data from error messages in build summary.
  • Amended error messages about issues in task Inputs and Outputs.
  • Build result property Errors contains error objects, not messages.

Custom tasks

  • Redesigned the custom task retry so that the function Invoke-RetryAction may be used on its own, see an example in


Custom tasks retry and test

  • Inputs and Outputs are supported, Partial is not.
  • Slightly relaxed requirements for Jobs.
  • test: an upstream error is propagated.

Property Jobs

  • The property Jobs of internal task objects is documented and can be used for reading by custom tasks and by external tools for task analysis.


Corrected internal processing order. Because Done still may fail a task it should be invoked before storing a checkpoint for a persistent build.

New sample custom task retry, see Tasks\Retry. Special parameters are RetryTimeout and RetryInterval, similar to Set-BitsTransfer.


Revised build output

  • Added task names to some error messages for consistency.
  • Omitted not so useful job details in action headers and task footers.
  • Error summary is not written by default. It was only useful in very complex builds and needed because the switch Summary was not originally introduced.

Explicitly set task errors

  • If a task does not fail but sets its $Task.Error then it is still treated as failed. The build does not stop in this case. This can be used effectively is special cases, e.g. in tasks like test.

Sample custom task test

  • Test-tasks are allowed to fail without breaking the build. Errors are counted and written as usual. test's jobs are optional simple references followed by a single action. If a reference fails an action is skipped.


  • The directory Tasks is included to the package. Ideally, use these tools as samples for your own, they are not parts of the engine, strictly speaking.


Fixed incorrect build time written with Summary.

v2.9.0 Custom tasks

This release introduces new task programming techniques and sample tools.

Added new task parameters Data, Done, and Source. They are designed for custom tasks, wrappers which add extra features and introduce new DSL commands. Data and Done may be useful in normal tasks. Source is for wrappers only.

Sample custom tasks:

  • check - Build scripts with check tasks represent sort of check-lists. As soon as a check passes it is never invoked again, even in next builds. Scripts are invoked repeatedly until all checks are passed (desired state achieved).

  • repeat - Build scripts with repeat tasks represent sort of schedules. They are invoked periodically. Each repeat task is invoked or skipped according to its defined time span and stored last done time.

DSL commands check and repeat are defined in scripts *.tasks.ps1. They are dot-sourced in build scripts before the first use of new custom tasks. Commands check and repeat are used almost in the same way as task.

These tools are ready to use in scripts but not included to the package. They are extensions, not parts of the engine. The engine only makes them possible. Q: Should they be included to the package anyway?

TODO: Think of a custom task test which is allowed to fail without breaking the build. Some minor support from the engine may be needed for proper error counting and reporting.

P.S. Imagine, one may want to request a new feature, say, -Retry... for tasks. Perhaps this will not be accepted after investigation. Well, it is now up to an author to define such a task with another DSL name and any required parameters:

# Import task library for "retry".
. Retry.tasks.ps1

# Synopsis: Note that help comments are possible for custom tasks.
retry TaskName -RetryCount 5 -RetrySec 60 -ConfirmRetry {


Task help comments

  • Improved getting of task synopsis from comments.
  • Fixed unexpected help property order in PS v2.0.


Documentation comments

Help task ? returns objects describing tasks. Properties:

  • Name - task name
  • Jobs - comma separated task names and own actions shown as {}
  • Synopsis - task synopsis from the preceding comment # Synopsis: ...

Returned objects are formatted as three column table by default. If default formatting is not good enough use custom formatting, e.g.:

Invoke-Build ? | Format-Table -AutoSize
Invoke-Build ? | Format-List Name, Synopsis


  • Always shows task synopsis, if any.
  • Removed not needed switch Comment.

$Task, step 2. Potentially incompatible

  • $Task is now constant, Enter|Exit-BuildTask and Enter|Exit-BuildJob cannot override it, say, accidentally.
  • Event functions Enter|Exit-BuildTask do not accept a task as an argument, use the automatic variable $Task instead.
  • Event functions Enter|Exit-BuildJob do not accept a task as the first argument, use $Task instead. The job number became the first argument.

With this step integration of the automatic variable $Task is complete.

v2.7.4 $Task

Default script resolution

The script specified by $env:InvokeBuildGetFile (gets a non standard default build file) is invoked with the full directory path as an argument. It may be invoked several times during the directory branch search with each path passed in. Old scripts should work fine but some of them may be simplified now.

Automatic variable $Task. Step 1

A new automatic variable $Task represents the current task instance. It is available for the task script blocks defined by parameters If, Inputs, Outputs, Jobs and the event functions Enter|Exit-BuildTask and Enter|Exit-BuildJob.

Why? Some advanced task scripts need this instance (e.g. shared between tasks). A common variable $Task seems to be simpler than use of a parameter in each of 8 above code pieces. Let's keep parameters available for something else.

Potentially incompatible

Build scripts with the parameter $Task or script variable $Task may fail. Rename this variable. The parameter $Task is not good anyway because it conflicts with Invoke-Build and cannot be used as the dynamic parameter.

As far as Enter|Exit-* are invoked in the scope where $Task is defined, make sure they do not change it. Other task code may change it in its own scope. But such hiding of the system variable is not recommended.

Step 2. The next version

Enter|Exit-BuildTask and Enter|Exit-BuildJob will not be accepting the task as the first argument. The new variable $Task should be used instead. Most of scripts may be prepared now. Change of Enter|Exit-BuildJob may be breaking, the second parameter will become first.

v2.7.2, v2.7.3

Added missing Invoke-TaskFromISE.ps1.

Minor tweaks in code and help.


This version mostly completes changes announced for v2.7.


  • Build.ps1 features moved to Invoke-Build:
    • Switch Summary tells to write summary after build.
    • Advanced resolution of the default build script.
  • Shows some more details in task listings.
  • Logs task starts as "Task X:".


  • The rest of Build.ps1 transformed to Show-BuildTree.ps1.
  • By default it shows the default task tree, not all trees.
  • The special task * tells to show all root task trees.


  • Removed not needed Build.ps1 completers.

v2.7.0 - Dynamic parameters

Persistent builds, incompatible change

Invoke-Build uses the new switch Resume in order to resume persistent builds. It makes use of persistent builds easier and avoids conflicts with dynamic parameters and coming soon changes.

The new switch must be added to old commands which resume builds. Hopefully it should not break much because resuming is often supposed to be done manually.

Dynamic parameters

As far as Build.ps1 dynamic parameters work well, Invoke-Build.ps1 adopts them, too. Dynamic parameters make command lines simple and neat. Compare:

New way, it really cannot be simpler:

Invoke-Build -Configuration Release -Platform x64

Old way, still used in special cases:

Invoke-Build -Parameters @{Configuration = 'Release'; Platform = 'x64'}

Mind an extra bonus: TabExpansion works fine with dynamic parameters.

Coming soon in v2.7

Build.ps1 features to be moved to Invoke-Build:

  • Advanced resolution of the default build script.
  • Switch Summary to write summary after build.
  • Switch NoExit will be dropped.

v2.6.3 - PS v4.0 upgrade

Build.ps1: Adjusted for the new common parameter PipelineVariable.


Invoke-TaskFromISE.ps1 also supports the form task [...] -Name TaskName. Still, not all possible forms are recognized, see the script help notes.

Avoided a recently introduced internal variable exposed to tasks.



This new script invokes the current task from the build script being edited in PowerShell ISE. It is invoked either in ISE or in PowerShell console. See the script help comments for the details, e.g. how to associate with shortcuts.


Easier persistent builds

Build script parameters are automatically exported and imported on persistent builds. Custom Export-Build and Import-Build do not have to care of them. Moreover, some script variables may be declared as parameters simply in order to be persistent and Export-Build and Import-Build may be dropped if they deal with these variables and do nothing else.

Reminder: checkpoint files from other versions must not be used.


Minor tweaks in help.

Build.ps1 - There was a subtle conflict between the parameter Checkpoint and advanced resolution of File. Instead of introducing caveats for File and making things more complex we drop Checkpoint, i.e. it should be used with Invoke-Build.ps1, not with the command line helper Build.ps1.


  • If somebody wants this feature back then submit a request with reasons.
  • This change is "not breaking", Build.ps1 is for typing in command lines.


Function and variable names starting with * are reserved for the engine. For technical reasons they cannot be completely hidden from scripts. Scripts should not use functions and variables with such names. It is unlikely that they ever do this but this is possible and should be avoided.


Some changes in terminology and syntax, not breaking for now. Allowed to fail task references are now called "safe". They are created by the new command job (New-BuildJob) with the switch Safe. In other words,

DO (new):

task Task2 (job Task1 -Safe), { ... }

DON'T (old):

task Task2 @{ Task1 = 1 }, { ... }

The new syntax is less cryptic, self describing, and easy to extend.

The old syntax for now works as well. But it is deprecated, not documented, and very likely will stop working if the command job introduces more options.


Issue #1. Per user request, reduced density of the source code of Invoke-Build.ps1, for better readability, easier debugging, etc.

Joined two internal functions *U1 and *U2.


Amended documentation.

The first line "Build ...": write resolved task names, i.e. write the actual default task name instead of nothing or '.' and task list instead of '*'.

Demo scripts are excluded. They are more boring tests than useful examples. In any case they are available online at the project site.


Build.ps1: fixed issues on scripts with cmdlet binding parameters.


Replaced dark yellow build messages with cyan. Dark yellow looks like white or gray in Microsoft PowerShell "noble blue" consoles. Besides, MSBuild prints similar build messages as cyan.


Amended TabExpansionProfile.Invoke-Build.ps1. If it is used in ISE then completion lists should show proper icons. If the referenced TabExpansions2.ps1 is used then update it, too.



  • PS v2/v3 differences of Invoke-Build ** missing-directory.
  • Build.ps1 with the special task **.

Amended TabExpansionProfile.Invoke-Build.ps1.


Finishing touches on dynamic parameters of Build.ps1.

Updated the wiki with information about recently added features.


Dynamic build script parameters in Build.ps1

If a build script parameters do not intersect with Build.ps1 parameters then they can be specified directly for Build.ps1.

Example. If a build script parameters are

    $Platform = 'Win32',
    $Configuration = 'Release'

then it is fine to call it naturally

Build -Platform x64 -Configuration Debug

instead of not so easy to type

Build -Parameters @{Platform = 'x64'; Configuration = 'Debug'}

Note that TabExpansion works with dynamic parameters.


This new script is TabExpansion2 profile with custom completers for Invoke-Build.ps1 and Build.ps1. It can be used either directly with TabExpansion2.ps1 or slightly adapted for other replacements of build-in TabExpansion2. It completes arguments of parameters Task (task names from a build file) and File (normally suggests available .build.ps1 and .test.ps1 files).

Warning on script output

Output from scripts on adding tasks is treated as unexpected. It is intercepted and written as a warning. Firstly, this catches a common mistake. Example: the script outputs a script block instead of adding a task with it

task Task1

Secondly, this avoids noise data on getting tasks for analysis.

New special task ??

The task ?? is used to get tasks without invoking. It replaces the old not so easy to use approach. This new simple code

$tasks = Invoke-Build ??

is used instead of

$null = Invoke-Build ? -Result result
$tasks = $Result.All

The task ? is now used only to show brief task information.

This change does not affect normal build script scenarios. But wrapper scripts which get tasks for analysis like Build.ps1, Show-BuildGraph.ps1 should be upgraded.

Combined special tasks

? and ?? can be combined with **.

Show all tasks from all .test.ps1 files:

Invoke-Build ?, **

Get task dictionaries for all .test.ps1 files:

Invoke-Build ??, **

Note that the helper Build.ps1 supports these new features. In particular it can be used now for getting task dictionaries (it was able only to display, analyse, and etc. but not to return).

Other changes

The Get-BuildFileHook is dropped. Wrapper scripts should provide a file if the default is missing. They can use a copy of the function Get-BuildFile. This approach seems to be simple and natural comparing with a callback. For example, see how Build.ps1 uses Get-BuildFile and extends it.



New switch NoExit tells to prompt "Press enter to exit".


use (Use-BuildAlias) accepts MSBuild version strings (e.g. '4.0', '2.0') and resolves them to paths using information from the registry.


Adapted Invoke-Build for Set-StrictMode -Version Latest


New special task ** invokes * (all tasks, normally tests) for all files *.test.ps1 found recursively in the current directory or a directory specified by the parameter File. It simplifies invocation of tests represented by tasks in several scripts in a directory tree.

Renamed some test scripts to *.test.ps1 and made them called automatically with the new special task **.


Minor improvements in Invoke-Builds.ps1. The key File in parameters is now optional. The omitted one is resolved to the usual default build script. Added a test.

Changed color of messages Build < tasks > < file > to dark green.


This version introduces major but mostly cosmetic changes in advanced features. Scripts using these features should be upgraded. If some scripts are not going to be upgraded then an old copy of tools can be used for building them. See wiki Portable Build Scripts.

Renamed Write-BuildText to Write-Build.

Renamed Assert-BuildTrue to Assert-Build. This change is not breaking if this function is used by its recommended alias assert.

Renamed Enter-BuildScript, Exit-BuildScript to Enter-Build, Exit-Build. Old names are misleading, events are invoked before and after a build, not a build script.

Use-BuildAlias (use) does not support the empty Path as a shortcut for [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory().

Changed syntax of incremental tasks to less cryptic and more like MSBuild. Replaced parameters Incremental, Partial with Inputs, Outputs, and [switch]Partial.

It is allowed to add two or more tasks with the same name. The last added wins. So it is possible to redefine existing tasks. Well, it is also possible to use the same name by mistake. Flexibility or safety? MSBuild chooses flexibility, Invoke-Build follows.

Task parameter After tells to add a task to the end of job lists. It used to be inserted after the last script job - this is often the same but not always.

Removed Invoke-Build.ps1's parameter Hook. If the default script is not found the command Get-BuildFileHook is called if it exists. See Build.ps1.

Changed build results of Invoke-Build.ps1 and Invoke-Builds.ps1 in order to avoid excessive and duplicated data. See help.

Invoke-Build.ps1's parameter Result always returns an instance of build information. Its new property All contains all defined task objects.

Replaced exposed internal variables BuildInfo, BuildList, and BuildHook with a new variable *. Build scripts should not use it. This change is not breaking unless internal variables are used (illegal) or ${*} is used in scripts (unlikely).

Renamed the help file Invoke-Build.ps1-Help.xml to Invoke-Build-Help.xml.

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