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Resolve MSBuild

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 7 revisions

For many years MSBuild locations could be discovered using the registry, namely, for versions 2.0 - 14.0. Starting with MSBuild 15.0 (Visual Studio 2017) this is not the case.

For PowerShell scripts Microsoft recommends the module VSSetup. It is handy but it does not give MSBuild paths directly. The proper code for this is not obvious and may depend on versions.

The script Resolve-MSBuild.ps1 finds the specified or latest version of MSBuild. All known MSBuild versions are covered. The script is supposed to evolve and adapt to new versions.

Build scripts may use Resolve-MSBuild.ps1 either directly by the provided alias Resolve-MSBuild or by the older command use <version> MSBuild.


Get various MSBuild paths:

# get the latest MSBuild, one of 2.0 - 16.0+
Resolve-MSBuild *

# get MSBuild with the specified major version
Resolve-MSBuild 15.0
Resolve-MSBuild 4.0

# get the latest 32-bit MSBuild and assert that its version is at least 16.3
Resolve-MSBuild x86 -MinimumVersion 16.3

In build scripts, consider using Resolve-MSBuild in the beginning and setting an alias for all tasks:

Set-Alias MSBuild (Resolve-MSBuild)

task Build {
    exec { MSBuild MyProject.csproj /t:Build }

task Clean {
    exec { MSBuild MyProject.csproj /t:Clean }

Alternatively, use a variable with the resolved path and invoke it using &:

$MSBuild = Resolve-MSBuild

task Build {
    exec { & $MSBuild MyProject.csproj /t:Build }

task Clean {
    exec { & $MSBuild MyProject.csproj /t:Clean }

If not many tasks use MSBuild or they need different versions, use Resolve-MSBuild with required parameters in task actions:

task Build {
    $MSBuild = Resolve-MSBuild 15.0x86
    exec { & $MSBuild MyProject.csproj /t:Build }