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Pause the Environment

mawinkler edited this page May 13, 2020 · 5 revisions

Pause the Environment

Pausing the environment makes sense if you are not going to work with the environment for quite a while but would like to preserve your custom configurations. That is an easy way to save costs. Since everything is self-healing, everything should come up within a few minutes after resuming the environment. Effectively, pausing the environment stops all of the instances.

$ ./
Please choose the target environment:
1) gcp            3) esx            5) switch_to_gcp  7) switch_to_esx
2) aws            4) site_secrets   6) switch_to_aws

Choose 1-2

Please choose the playbook:
1) site                          8) pause_scheduled_cancel
2) deploy                        9) resume
3) deploy_endpoints             10) terminate
4) jenkins_create_credentials   11) terminate_site
5) deploy_gitlab_runners        12) configuration
6) pause                        13) manual
7) pause_scheduled

Choose 6

Option 7 schedules a pause to 240 minutes from now on. The delay can be overwritten by the setting pause_cancel_schedule within the configuration. A scheduled pause can be canceled with option 8.

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