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This repository provides a server container image for MOADSD-NG. The core components of that image are:
- Ansible running with Python3
CLI for Google -
CLI for AWS - plus all required dependencies to run MOADSD-NG from within a container
Persistence is provided by a mapped working directory on your docker host. That means, you can easily destroy and rebuild the image whenever needed. If you want to move your setup, simply tar / zip your local repo directory including the workdir.
Docker & Docker-Compose
Tested with
- Linux,
- Mac OS X with Docker for Desktop and
- AWS Cloud9
To ensure that the prerequisites are met choose your target environment below:
Requirements for Docker & Docker-Compose
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh && sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami` && sudo service docker start
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.24.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Cloud9 Configuration:
- Name: <whatever-you-like>
- Instance type: >= t3.medium
- Platform: Ubuntu Server 18.04-LTS
From within the Cloud9 shell to a
sudo apt install -y docker-compose
Final step to configure the Cloud9 is to update the aws cli to v2:
curl https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip -o ~/awscliv2.zip
unzip ~/awscliv2.zip -d ~/
sudo ~/aws/install
aws --version
aws-cli/2.1.30 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.4.0-1039-aws exe/x86_64.ubuntu.18 prompt/off
Note: If you're running into troubles during the instanciation of the Cloud9 environment, they are typically caused by a misconfigured VPC. Cloud9 requires a VPC with a public subnet available. If you don't have that within the desired region you need to create it before creating the Cloud9 instance.
- Create a VPC
- Name tag: cloud9-vpc
- IPv4 CIDR block:
- IPv6 CIDR block: No
- Tenancy: Default
- Create a Subnet
- Name tag: cloud9-subnet
- VPC: cloud9-vpc
- Availability Zone: No preference
- IPv4 CIDR block:
- Create an Internet Gateway
- Name tag: cloud9-igw
- Attach Internet Gateway to VPC
- VPC: cloud9-vpc
- Modify Route Table --> Routes --> Edit routes --> Add route
- Destination
- Target: cloud9-igw
In your shell, do a
git clone https://github.com/mawinkler/moadsd-ng-server.git && \
cd moadsd-ng-server
If you're running in a Cloud9 environment, you likely need to increase the disk size of the Cloud9 instance depending on the type you chose above. To increase the local volume to 20GB, execute:
To build the container image run
This script will build the container image, fetch the generated /home/ansible
-directory and finally populates the ./workdir
The user inside the container is unprivileged but uses the same uid and gid as your hosts user. This ensures, that you can easily access all the files residing in the home environment within the container from outside the container. Effectively, that eases backup and change processes.
First, run the server with
From now on, you're working only within the server container for MOADSD-NG. Do NOT work within Cloud9 if you want to manage or use moadsd-ng
For more information on the moadsd-ng-server see the House Keeping chapter below.
The moadsd-ng-server comes with the full moadsd-ng project prepopulated. This is, because during the build process a git clone was done alongside all the dependency installations.
Change your working directory to moadsd-ng with
cd moadsd-ng
For all credentials, the ansible-vault
is used.
Create a file called .vault-pass.txt
in the home directory of the ansible
user with a secret password.
echo '<YOUR VERY STRONG PASSWORD>' > ~/.vault-pass.txt
chmod 600 ~/.vault-pass.txt
Depending on the target cloud (AWS / GCP), please choose one of the following paths:
Now, we're connecting to your Google Cloud account and create a project.
gcloud init
You will be asked to pick the project you're willing to use or simply create a new one
Pick cloud project to use:
[1] erudite-variety-696969
[2] Create a new project
Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list
item): 2
Finally configure the default GCE region name.
Next, we will create a service account with owner permissions for the project.
export PROJECT_ID=<project-id>
gcloud iam service-accounts create ansible \
--display-name "Ansible Account"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/ansible.json \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
--member="serviceAccount:ansible@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
Now, we need to enable billing and afterwards the compute API within our project. For that, we first need to look up available billing accounts.
gcloud alpha billing accounts list
019XXX-6XXXX9-4XXXX1 My Billing Account True
We now link that billing account to our project.
gcloud alpha billing projects link ${PROJECT_ID} \
--billing-account 019XXX-6XXXX9-4XXXX1
billingAccountName: billingAccounts/019XXX-6XXXX9-4XXXX1
billingEnabled: true
name: projects/<project-id>/billingInfo
projectId: <project-id>
And finally enable the API which may take a minute or two.
gcloud services enable compute.googleapis.com
Operation "operations/acf.6dd93cb1-644b-44a1-b85c-6388f4dd288e" finished successfully.
Use the configure option to continue with the AWS CLI configuration:
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <access key>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <secret key>
Default region name [None]: <default region>
Default output format [None]: json
Example for the default region would be eu-central-1
or eu-west-1
When using instances within AWS EC2 we need to have an keypair. To create it do the following:
KEY_NAME="moadsd-ng-$(date '+%m%d%Y-%H%M%S')"
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name ${KEY_NAME} | \
jq -r '.KeyMaterial' > ~/.ssh/${KEY_NAME}.pem
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/${KEY_NAME}.pem
We now have a private key which allows us to authenticate to the instances.
For the next step, head over to the The Configurator.
Training participants:
- Use the configuration.yml provided in the lab guide (copy & paste)
- Skip the Deep Security chapter
The following sections assume that you are within the moadsd-ng-server
Run moadsd-ng-server
Run the server with
You are now directly within your server environment where you can work with MOADSD-NG as before, but within an isolated and easy to move container.
Exit from moadsd-ng-server
To exit the container environment press ^d
, the container will (typically) stay alive.
Stop moadsd-ng-server
To stop a running instance run
Backup Settings
Backup your settings with
A directory named backup-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM
will be created containing all relevant configurations.
Restore Settings
If you want to overwrite your current configuration with a backuped one do the following.
./settings-restore.sh <backup-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM>
cd ~/moadsd-ng
If you're restarting from scratch or killed the workdir, it's a little more complicated because we need to fetch moadsd-ng.
git clone https://github.com/mawinkler/moadsd-ng.git
./settings-restore.sh <backup-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM>
cd ~/moadsd-ng
And finally run the configurator via the menu.
You can also do a full backup by simply doing a tar/zip of the moadsd-ng-server directory. It contains everything which is required to restore or relocate the environment.
Getting Started
MOADSD-NG Containerized
MOADSD-NG Manual Setup
- Configure your Server
- Preparing to work with Google GCP
- Preparing to work with Amazon AWS
- Preparing to work with VMware ESXi
Adapt MOADSD-NG to Your Needs
The MOADSD-NG Life-Cycle
- Setup the Environment
- Deploy the Software Stack
- Deploy the Endpoints
- Pause the Environment
- Resume the Environment
- Terminate the Environment
- Update the Environment
Software Components
- [Deep Security]
- [Deep Security Smart Check]
- Container Orchestration
- Container Registry
- Cluster Storage
- Jenkins
- GitLab
- Linkerd
- [Prometheus]
- [Grafana]
Final Words
Deprecated Chapters