Every brand related data are store in mongodb database. when user click on brand and show this brand related product. every product are a image, a some products feature and two button detail and update. click detail button show more details on this product. and click update button open a update form and you can update this product.
first of all users must have logged in this application. if user is not logged they cannot access this application, if user is not logged user hit the details route application redirect to the user in login page.
admin create a new product by use add product page. after create this product store in database and show this product in matches brand related products. after creating product application confirm the admin by sweet alert. one the other hand admin can update the product details and all features.
we use on firebase authentication system to authenticate users. we use three types of authentication mechanism for this product first email, password based authentication and another social link and Google based authentication.
when user like a product, user can store this product in the cart. all cart item store in database. that means cart item are not deleted automatically. if user unlike a item he can delete this product in the cart.
i implement dark and light theme in this application. because every user choose different theme. so user can apply her like theme.