Hello, I’m Masud Rana, I am a Frontend Developer, also familiar with Backend. I have a strong passion for learning & implementing new web technologies and standards.
<img src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=anuraghazra" >
Seller-Email: [email protected]
Password: asdfgh
Seller-Email: [email protected]
Password: asdfgh
Seller-Email: [email protected]
Password: asdfgh
Seller-Email: [email protected]
Password: asdfgh
Admin-Email: [email protected]
Password: asdfgh
This is Food sales site like e-commerce. user can order food and tracking order. seller manage the order and manage restaurant data and see the overall restaurant sales details by chart. admin can manage all restaurant, seller request and coupon. admin get a certain amount of porfit from the seller.
Admin-Email: [email protected]
Password: asdfgh
The project is an online apartment management site. user can send a agreement request for rent a apartment, if admin accept this request then this user is member. member can pay her apartment rent and see payment details. Admin can manage users and agreement request, make announcement, manage coupon and see site the statistics.
This is an online study site. any logged user can be view assignment, update assignment, and delete assignment. user can take the assignment and submit the assignment. finally user give the assignment marks and see her marks.
This project ecommerce based. user can see the product, add product, and add to cart product.