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Tags: marcluque/Hydra



Fixed a little bug that wouldn't allow one to create a client or serv…

…er without creating a session listener. Fixed a problem with the packet class. The byte buffer was being passed incorrectly, which would cause encoding and decoding problems. Also added an option for the server to distribute packets via a selection of algorithms. Algorithms are going to come by time. In the next commit the examples are going to be adjusted to the changes. Bumped to version 1.6.0.


Introduced sending objects without the usage of a packet, as Hydra ha…

…ndles that internally with a StandardPacket class. Therefore reworked the examples and provided explanations for the usage. Also added javadoc for the new introduced methods. Bumped to version 1.5.0.


Bumped to version 1.4.0.


Small improvements and little examples explanation fix.


Fixed a problem with the session, that would make the session inacces…

…sible. There is going to be a new release due to this issue. The rest were just small improvements.

Next is the implementation of custom class serialization.


Fixed a problem with the session, that would make the session inacces…

…sible. There is going to be a new release due to this issue. The rest were just small improvements.

Next is the implementation of custom class serialization.