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apaj edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Aleksandar Pajkanovic (11:32 AM): yes, that's fine what I didn't get is about input/output you said we don't need to assign what do you mean by that? does this mean that every member of input is now expanded ? for example, we had a now we have a.ready, a.valid and a.bits? Raj (11:34 AM): yes, since it's an interface it already has these input ouputs Aleksandar Pajkanovic (11:35 AM): No, I was wrong that was a wrong assumption look at line 92 it accesses roundingMode of input by doing: input.bits.roundingMode so there are the following now: input.ready input.valid

and then there are:

input.bits.a input.bits.b input.bits.roundingMode input.bits. all the rest...

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