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Attila Sukosd edited this page Mar 15, 2013 · 1 revision
system_chart MOBIUS_TOOLS_WIKI
  author: "JoeKiniry", "DermotCochran"
explanation "The MOBIUS Tools Wiki is a collaborative development environment for the documentation and communication between developers of the MOBIUS program verification environment.\
	    \The MOBIUS Tools Wiki includes homepages for all subsystems and components. It records all interactions between developers as well as all changes to the source code.\
	    \ It is first point of reference for all MOBIUS developers. It is based on Trac and integrated with Subversion and Hudson."
cluster COLLABORATIVE_DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENTS description "This BON cluster contains concepts related to the use of Collaborative Development Environments (CDEs) within MOBIUS" 
cluster COMMUNICATIONS description "The Communications cluster contains the concept of e-mail, tickets, wikis and other forms of communication between MOBIUS developers." 
cluster COMPONENTS description "The Components cluster in BON is the set of concepts relating to subsystems, modules, systems architecture and dependencies." 
cluster COORDINATIONS description "Meetings and Publications"
cluster LANGUAGES description "This BON cluster describes the Software Languages e.g. Java used within MOBIUS"
cluster LOGICS description "This BON cluster contains the formal Logics used within MOBIUS, including the MOBIUS base logic." 
cluster PLUGINS description "Plugins are software subcomponents which interact with a software platform or framework e.g. Eclipse." 
cluster PROVERS description "The Provers cluster (in BON) is the set of concepts relating to Theorem Provers."
cluster RELEASES description "The Releases cluster contains the concepts of versions, platforms, milestones, features and changes." 
cluster RESOURCES description "The Resources cluster contains the concepts of sites, people, ownership of, responsibility for and commitment to tasks." 
cluster STANDARDS description "The Standards cluster contains Coding Standards, Documentation Standards, Specification Standards and other elements of the Software Development Process." 
cluster STATUSES description "This BON cluster contains the concept of release status, component status and development status i.e. the current non-historical information about the MOBIUS tools" 
cluster SYSTEMS description "Components, subsystems and third-party platforms"
cluster WORKSPACES description "Eclipse workspaces"

Version: 1 Time: Thu Jul 3 11:05:47 2008 Author: dcochran (dcochran) IP:

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